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Sugar Drop After Eating?


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i was just curious about what my sugar was like and i have a monitor at home so decided to test sugar and was very surprised to see that my sugar was lower than what it was before i started eating, when u eat anything isnt the sugar only supposed to go up? please any input would be appreciated, i know low blood volume is a big reason for why eating is such a huge problem for me, but does anyone have any idea what could be reason why sugar is going hypo right after eating such a little amount of food? not hours later.......and does this have anything to do with POTS?


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I have had that reaction in the past--it happened to me during pregnancy. It did not drop low enough to be considered true hypoglycemia--but it is labeled reactive hypoglycemia...at least that is what my endocrinologist called it. He recommended smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding sugar, including fruit juices. Increasing fats and oils and protein should help too.


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i already avoid caffeine white sugar and simple carbs, and still get this, and it happens right away, not hours later, and it doesnt matter what i eat, just a little amount of food triggers these hypoglycemic symptoms, does anyone have any idea what is causing this to happen and if there is any med to help it? thanks for any help


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Hi Radha,

Phil Maffetone, who has written exercise and diet books, says that the amount of insulin the body secretes depends partly on what you eat, but also on what you ate the last meal. It is because the body doesn't know exactly what you need so will "guess" based on what you needed last and then make corrections when the food gets down to the small intestine.

For example, if you have a breakfast of pancakes and a lunch of salad, your sugar will drop initially after the salad because your pancreas assumes you ate pancake-equivalent-carbohydrates for lunch.

Of course, if you have hypoglycemia, hypovolemia, etc., there are no doubt other things going on, too.


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I think it is related to POTS somehow. I take Prozac, 20 mg/day. I stopped and re-started several times--recently I re-started. One of the reasons I re-started was b/c I started to get these hypoglycemic symptoms again shortly after eating again.

No, I don't think it is diabetes. Diabetes causes high sugar levels due to inadequate insulin production.

I wish I had an explanation.


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