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Off Florinef - Would Midodrine Help???


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Took myself of Florinef developed severe body ache all over - first cut dose in half and body ache decreased but did not go away. Then quit taking Florinef all together. I am now taking provigal, lexapro, remeron, prental vitamin and of course lots of salt and fluids. After stopping florinef I am more fatigued and seem to have some of the brain fog back. Wondering if Midodrine would help me - also wondering if remeron is causing more problems then it is doing me good.

Any comments on how any of these medications have helped or not helped would be great - trying so hard to get symptoms under control so I can return to work soon.


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were they monitoring your potassium while on the florinef. I was taking a 20MEQ potassium for over year but had major leg weakness and body aches, then recently I insisted we check it again (Dr. Grubb says even a slightly low level potassium or low normal is too much with POTS) and it was slightly low so they doubled the potassium and I felt a LOT better. I took myself off midodrine in april, I feel better NOT taking it, it definitely helped raise my BP but did not eliminate all my symptoms and I felt very anxious and my heart felt stressed. Now I only take florinef and cymbalta.

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DEFINITELY ask to have your postassium checked again. Mine varied bewteen a little low to low normal even w/ 20 MEQ supplement, my cardio who doesn't know much about dysautonomia told me just have an extra banana a day...well for over a year I thought the weak legs were POTS but after seeing Dr. Grubb in June I'm now am pretty sure it was the low potassium. Also he told me that florinef equally depletes magnesium so have that checked too, mine was OK.

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I am now taking provigal, lexapro, remeron, prental vitamin and of course lots of salt and fluids.

Tried Provigil and it really helped fatigue and some cognitive symptoms but stopped for now bc of adding to hypertension. Tried Lexapro - for me it did nada. Remeron - I've heard it has a high poop out rate, but haven't tried it. Not a big fan of psychiatric drugs. Let me know if midodrine helps - I'm going to ask about it at Vanderbilt.

You may try http://www.remedyfind.com/ for peoples experience with other drugs.

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