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Hey there!

I've got peripheral neuropathy in my bowels, apparently, AKA "IBS diarrhea type" from the dysaut/EDS, with nerve damage. The doctor put me on Lotronex, which is designed for people whose diarrhea is caused by over-motility, women specifically, though I don't know why. Anyway, I just wanted to say that it's working remarkably well, and if you've tried other drugs to no avail, this might be one to consider. But JSYK, your doctor has to be part of its prescription program. Anyway- just wanted to put that bit of info out into the abyss!

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As a vegan, I have had quite a high-fiber diet for several years to no avail, and have also tried bouts of eating much less or moderate amounts in the hopes that my diet had too much. I've tried OTC pills such as pepto bismol (I can't tell you how many times I ran to the campus pharmacy between classes to pick up a new bottle in desperation) and kaopectate, and dairy-free digestion enzymes and acidophilus, none of which did much. I've been on it for 2 weeks now, and I feel practically normal, digestion-wise, which is amazing! I haven't noticed any symptoms outside of my normal range of dysaut. symptoms - in other words, I'm still nauseated and having stomach pain sometimes, but no more than before.

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I've had a ton of blood tests, stool cultures, and a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy, and there was no note of bacteria- overgrowths or those that didn't belong. Tet might help in some of those cases, but my problem seems to stem from an overly motile GI tract.

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The test I had is fairly new. It involves drinking something and then exhaling into a plastic bag every 20 minutes for a few hours. I've had loads of tests, endoscopies, etc. My GI doc says sometimes he puts people on a course of tetracyline every so many months and it does the trick. It works for a while for me. However, I always know where the restroom is and I hate to be far from it.

What other meds did you try before you resorted to this new medication?

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