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I understand what you mean by weight loss now


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Since August I have lost 17 pds without really trying. I was worried at first til I started to read posts here about alot of people losing weight also. First thing that came in my mind was "maybe I have cancer". I'm still gonna discuss it with my reg doc and show her the bloodwork I recently had done. It has not hurt me at all to lose some weight, maybe I can get back to my normal weight of 135 before I got sick. Right now I'm at 148. I just dont want to loose too much cause then everyone thinks "your sick". I'm gonna check out some part time work tomarrow, gotta do something to pay these medical bills. Its like a homeaide helping the elderly or disabled...I want to try it to see if I can do it but I dont want it to hurt my ssdi check right now til I see if I can stand it or not. I think I can try to work as long as I make under $840 a month for a nine month period. Anyone know anything about this or where I can find info?


PS....My sons movie premere is this Thursday eve...I'm not going. I'm gonna watch it on TV. He understands!! It will be alot of standing and dont think I could handle all the cameras in my face..LOL

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First, congratulations on your son's premeire- how exciting! Next, if you have concerns about the weight loss you should defintely get it checked out. Lastly, go to ssa.gov regarding your questions about disability and working. They have a section devoted entirely to these type questions. Good luck!


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