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Can anyone tell what kind of day they are going to have?


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Can you guys tell what kind of day you are going to have by your vision when you wake up? My vision is blurry, and my heart rate is up this morning. I know it is going to be a bad day today, I can feel it. Also, who has skin hypersensitivity? My skin feels like it is burning and stinging at times. Hope you all feel better than I do.

Merry ****** Christmas!!

Edited by MightyMouse
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I don't have many "good" days. I'm mostly bedbound. I can never tell just how bad things will be by how I feel in the morning. Sometimes I'll wake feeling optimistic and get slammed by 9 am. Other times I wake feeling like death, but things slowly improve during the day. Sometimes I just feel rotten for days in a row and don't sleep at all.

I have burning around my mouth, but I think its from some meds I've built up a tolerance to and am discontinuing. Yours may be related to medications, too.

Hope you're feeling better soon. Happy ****** New Year!

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I dont know some days i wake and feel Ok.. but with in an hour or 2 of being awake.. i start to slide downhill.. or I will wake up feeling really rotten.. and will stay that way.. not a whole lot of goods days inbetween there!

I have super sensitive skin as well.. my skin will actually hurt to touch it.. and will get all red looking (head to toe). and feel very very hot....

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I don't have vision problems so can't speak to that. But to the larger question of whether I know I am going to have a good day or not, I have to agree with the others: I just can't tell. I got up this morning, for example, feeling relatively good. But two hours into the morning I feel like crawling back into bed. It doesn't even seem to be related to how well I sleep. Sometimes I can have a restless night but feel fine during the day. Sometimes I get the best night's sleep in months and I can barely function during the day. Go figure!


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I can tell if I am going to have a bad day as soon as I wake up. Some times my brain feels like it is sloshing, or I will have surges of tingling all over my body, or I just cant get out of bed. There are other ways that I can tell, but I just cant remember them right now. My vision is always worse in the morning. I dont know why. Although sometimes it even gets worse as the day goes along. I too have very sensitive skin. It doesnt sting or anything like that . But if someone just touches me sometimes it actually hurts. If I move to fast I get surges of tingling, I also have over sensitive hearing, sudden noises or even loud noises will set the surges off, it is very frustrating. hope you find your answers. Vanessa

Can you guys tell what kind of day you are going to have by your vision when you wake up? My vision is blurry, and my heart rate is up this morning. I know it is going to be a bad day today, I can feel it. Also, who has skin hypersensitivity? My skin feels like it is burning and stinging at times. Hope you all feel better than I do.

Merry ****** Christmas!!

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Guest Mary from OH

There is something called allodynia. It is common with people with migraines and chronic pain. I get this often with my migraines and even other times. I have a feeling that this is what you are referring to. Hope that this helps at least to know that you're not nuts. You need to get at the root of your pain to get rid of it.

Cutaneous allodynia: Pain resulting from an innocuous stimulus to normal skin or scalp. The stumulus that triggers allodynia is not normally painful. The pain can be provoked by combing or brushing the hair, shaving, showering, wearing glasses or earrings. The pressure of a single strand of hair reportedly can feel like a jab with a white-hot knife. Cutaneous allodynia is believed due to a transient increase in the responsiveness of central pain neurons that process information arising from the skin. It is commonly associated with migraine. From allo- meaning other + -dynia meaning pain.

Good luck to you!! I also have crazy symptoms that have stumped drs for yrs. I have had POTS my whole life and was not dxed until I was in my 30's. I even had a spell of over 2 1/2 yrs where I was SEVERELY sick. And I wasn't even dxed then!! LOL! Believe it or not, a good dr and educating yourself will help tremendously!!

My best to you!! :P

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