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weird stomach problems

april abbott

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For the past several months I have had some stomach sensitivity. There is feelings of pressure and I can't stand to wear high rise pants or a belt, even when they are not tight. It feels like an elephant is sitting on me when I try to lie on my stomach and like my circulation is getting cut off and I can't breathe. Anyone have any ideas? I sometimes have heartburn and acid reflux but don't know if this is related. No burning or tenderness in my stomach. No problems eating, although I stay nauseated alot but that has always been normal for me.

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Two thoughts. I get a pressure, sore, sensitivity in my gut (around the naval) when I ingest milk or milk products, though I have NOT tested positive for milk allergy.

Anything with pseudoephedrine (or the medications used to unstuff the nose or constrict blood vessels) gives me a tight feeling in my gut like someone is sitting on me. Very uncomfortable.

Good luck in finding answers. When it's not foods or medications, it's time to ask a doctor.

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Hi, April. I do not know how old you are but the sxs you describe can be associated with serious gynecological problems. Not trying to scare you but presistent abdominal pain and/or fullness needs to be checked out- pronto.


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Thanks for the replies. I will have it checked out when I go to the doctor. I have had this problem for several months but have kind of ignored it because with all of our weird symptoms it is easy to blame it on the dysautonomia and then forget about it. It doesn't really seem like it has gotten progressively worse or anything but it is still worth asking about. Right now it is nothing more than discomfort.

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