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Hi all!

Just wanted to share this with you as many of us have discussed hiring help/caregivers.

We live in a university town, so we advertised in the student-run newspaper.

My mom also wrote a more detailed ad that she printed on cardstock and posted in buildings around campus.

We were going to advertise in our local newspaper but it cost a fortune--like $300 to advertise for five days!

We were nervous about what sort of calls we would get or how it would work out.

We received about 6 or 7 calls! Some were definite 'nos' right from the get go, while others were very good possibilities.

We ended up interviewing three (one over the phone and two in person) and hiring one who is working out wonderfully! She will be around until she graduates in May.

We also thought about posting at churches, our local synagogue, emailing our ad to local friends, etc. but this ended up working out well. But this is another route if you don't have a student population to tap into.

We found it so hard to write the ad and know what to ask in the interview, etc. So, I wanted to post this in case it might help someone here out--and save you a little time and energy.

In the past we have gone through local agencies/business who do caregiving services but they are much more expensive and it is hard to find 'good' caregivers.

This way you can pay a LOT less per hour and the caregiver actually gets the money (as oppsoed to agencies where they take most of the pay for overhead).

Yes, you don't have someone who is 'bonded and insured' etc. but we weren't that thrilled ever with the services we received from companies in town.

Erika, our caregiver, helps while my mom is at work to get out my dinner (sometimes a little cooking, but my mom really covers that), helping with Asher, changing sheets, picking up, watering plants, putting my laundray away. Just things that help me to feel like things are a little more orderly and clean.

She straightens my bed covers each night and pulls the cover back for me to crawl right in! She's here while I get a bath, then gets me my water, gatorade, hot water bottle, etc. for bedtime. I feel so spoiled! :rolleyes: But, I need the help rigth now.

Also, she is willing to help me with whatever projects I might need. She is taking all of my piles of papers and sorting them, organizing them, and filing them!!!!!!

One of the things I struggle with the most is feeeling overwhelmed and that I can't keep up with things that need to get done. So she helps with whatever.

To boot, we get along really well.

It IS exhausting and I'm pooped when she leaves. The more she gets into a groove the less stressful it is though.

Okay, here's the ad...

Later alligators!



Help with housekeeping, personal-record keeping and organization as well as errands for 29-year old chronically ill woman. 6-10 hours per week. Must be pleasant, competent, reliable, non-smoker and like dogs. Call Renee?(your phone number here).


thanks for posting this em...

as you know, i'm considering trying to find someone to help me out around my place a few hours a week, esp. if it means i'll be able to stay here (and continue my stubborn independence).

does erika have any friends in cleveland??

B) melissa

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