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I believe I've had life long ADHD, but I've always been a high performer. However, since being diagnosed with POTS (adrenergic) in 2020 I have developed very severe, almost debilitating, procrastination. I don't know if it's the POTS, the significant tachycardia, the Propanolol, the brain fog, worsening of ADHD or combination of all of the above. Has anyone else experienced this? It's becoming a major life issue. 
I haven't had a need to medicate the ADHD in the past, but I'm wondering if now isn't the time to consider modafinil or adderall -- with modafinil being the better choice because of my tachycardia. 
Please share your experiences! 🙏🏻❤️

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@LibbySue I have hyperadrenergic POTS as well as ADHD, both run in my family ( 3 generations ). I used to pass out and have autonomic seizures from too much adrenaline often, and as a result had hit my head many times. Due to the same symptoms that you describe I was ordered a neuro-psychological examination as well as a MRI to make sure I do not suffer from lasting results of the head injuries. The eval showed that I have ADHD all of my life ( I never knew, I just thought I had too much energy, haha! )

I too have significant fatigue and brain fog, as well as other cognitive deficits. My autonomic specialist ordered modafinil but it is not covered by my insurance, so I have been on low dose Ritalin for years with good effects. It does not at all affect me negatively.but of course we are all different! 

Here is an article about the use of methylphenidate ( Ritalin ) in POTS and ADHD

 Use of methylphenidate in the treatment of patients suffering from refractory postural tachycardia syndrome - PubMed (nih.gov)

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@LibbySue I experienced exact same thing! Diagnosed with inattentive ADHD at 39, I always had symptoms but didn’t recognize them. Procrastination was always an issue for me, became worse when POTS hit, I would put off things because fear of symptoms. But maybe blood flow to brain an issue too, feeling like it was more effort to organize my thoughts and myself. ADHD got bad enough for me with the long-Covid brain fog that I went for the neuro-cognitive testing. Thinking of trying medication but have not yet. 

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