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slightly elevated temperature for weeks at a time

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Hi all --

My 14-year-old daughter has POTS, and unfortunately I don't have a trusted medical professional for guidance on some of the things she experiences. For the last three weeks, her temperature has been slightly elevated (anywhere from 99.5 to 100.4) pretty much non-stop. I think it may have started with a sore throat, so it could be a virus that is difficult for her to shake. Other than feeling tired at times, she's generally feeling okay. The same thing happened at the end of November -- her temperature was slightly elevated for at least two weeks. I took her to a naturopath a couple weeks ago who ruled out a slew of things with a lot of bloodwork (CBC, complete metabolic panel, CMV, Epstein-Barr, etc.). Do any of you have experience with slightly elevated temperatures for weeks at a time? Thank you for your thoughts.

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Hi @CatherineRW! Dysautonomia can affect the temperature control of the body, so it is possible to run high or low temps from dysautonomia. However - in your daughter's case I would assume that she is having an immune response to the virus that is causing the temps. She was tested for COVID? I know of several people that have run fevers for months following COVID infection. I would request autoimmune and inflammation blood work - ESR and CRP are two labs that will show if she is fighting an infection, and ANA could show if there is autoimmune activity. What was her WBC count in her CBC?

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Thanks so much for your reply. She's been tested for COVID several times (both PCR and rapid antigen) and has been negative the whole time.

Her WBC was 8.0  x10E3/uL (reference range provided was 3.4-10.8). CRP was <1 mg/L. Sedimentation Rate - Westergren was 2 mm/hr (reference range provided was 0-32). I don't think we did ANA. I may look into that. I guess it's either a very long immune response to a virus or perhaps related to POTS.

Today she has a legitimate fever (101) due to her booster shot yesterday. Poor kid!

Again, thank you for your thoughts. I really appreciate it.

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