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Do I have dysautonomia? Can it be spurred on by covid?


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What is going on!!!?  Since covid I have had tingling in my extremities, weak right leg, and foot.  I can't sleep for more than like 2 or 3 hours without abruptly waking up.  Feel spacey and disjointed.  Doc just put me on High Blood Pressure meds which I think have messed me up also.  Don't want to do anything but lay around.  Help!  Was not experiencing any of these things pre covid or during covid...however, a few years ago in 2014-15 and before that in 1994, I remember having similar incidents, but no one called it dysautonmia...help!

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Hello @teemarc3- welcome to the forum! POTS commonly can get triggered by a viral infection. They used to call it post-viral malaise. If you HR goes up when standing you might have POTS. What BP med did they put you on? Many BP meds can cause fatigue and tiredness in the first few weeks, especially clonidine. I slept the whole day, every day on it and needed to stop it. But with most BP meds ir goes away when you body got used to it. 

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