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Memory Loss and Dysautonomia

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Hello! I wanted to create a different thread to ask about this, I hope that's okay. :)

I have some really big exams coming up next month, but since developing a lot of really bad cognitive symptoms, I find it hard to retain anything. If I mess up these exams, that's this whole year of struggling out the window; but I just can't remember the content and I'm really worried considering how poorly I've performed on practice exams due to that.

What techniques and advice would you folks suggest/have found useful personally in improving your capacity/retention of information? Thanks so much!


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Hello @beastwiththeleast - I suffer from ADD and POTS related brain fog. Studying when I was younger was difficult, and I found that rewriting the information into a format that I can understand helped me. - Have you ever had a neuro-psychological exam? I had 2 - and it was very helpful. It consists of a 3 hour exam testing different functions of the brain, like retaining information, concentration, memory, ability to recall colors/words/shapes etc. After the exam the doctor gave me tips and exercises to control the attention deficit. They also can detect depression or anxiety during that exam ( in my case she commented in the report that the symptoms of anxiety I display are physical symptoms caused by POTS ). aybe you can asl your doctor to order one?

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I really sympathise with you - studying with POTS is no joke.  I did a history degree with the Open University when I first got ill and it took me 8 years part-time as I had to defer exams a couple of years when I was in a bad flare.  Figure out what the best time to study is - for me I worked best between 11 am and 1pm.   The only thing that helped my memory was constant repetition - I would write revision notes and then summarise them and read the summaries multiple times a day. 

The other thing that might help is asking your doctor to prescribe Modafinil/Provigil which is a narcolepsy drug that stimulates the brain.  I know when I was studying for my history degree it really helped improve my concentration, but I can't remember (!) if it specifically helped my memory...  Good luck and don't give up!

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Guest KiminOrlando

This is a terrible symptom and one of the reasons I don't think I could be employed. I have not found a solution. None of my doctors will write any scripts for this. I hope you find a solution.

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7 hours ago, cmep37 said:

The other thing that might help is asking your doctor to prescribe Modafinil/Provigil which is a narcolepsy drug that stimulates the brain. 

I take a low dose Ritalin ( methylphenidate ) for the cognitive issues from POTS, especially the brain fog. It has helped immensely with focusing and attention span. Here is a study about it: https://www.heartrhythmalliance.org/files/files/stars/For Clinicians/Methylphenidate POTS.pdf

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