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I have cold hands and feet sometimes and then again sometimes I get terribly hot for some reason . Paxil does help me alot as far as not freaking out over little things and coping with day to day stresses. I am not sure that it will actually help with coldness. I think this is more of cirrculation trouble, because I have noticed when my heart rythm is slow I am often cold;however, when my heart rythm is fast I get really hot and miserable.

Hope you get to feeling better,

Rita s

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Just to add a "if misery loves company..."well, you'll find a lot of company here. And great company we are, just wish we'd all meet at some nice coffee shop instead. Welcome

I also get freezing extremities, and my body gets very cold. Even in summer. Basically it seems that if I get chilled by anything small, even air conditioning, my body doesn't know what to do with that info, and gets cold to the end. And the opposite is also true. Doc seemed to just think it's par for the course. Not treating the coldness specifically.

You will probably experience better periods of time, too. Hopefully someone will come along with some better advice.


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Hi Dennis,

I too freeze. I have to chuckle because I am currently sitting in my office with the little electric heater going full blast under my desk. The rest of the office staff have the AC on Full blast, gets so cold for me. Most people think I'm nuts but just can't get warm. Then sometimes overheated in a hurry but almost always the other way around. I have heard that taking cayenne can help but not sure have not tried it yet...

Your popsicle friend.

:) Patty

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Have you ever considered Reynaud's? It's a neurological problem and your hands and feet severely cold and white or even yellowish looking. So sorry that you are so miserable. Temperature fluctuations are hard. My doctor prescribed Robinul at bedtime and that helped. -Deb

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Dennis - I have raynaud's in my entire body. My hands turn blue, purple, then white from the blood vessel spasms. White hurts the worst because that means there is no blood flow in that area. At times, my hands turn red and burn. This is due to a sudden surge of blood flow. I am taking norvasc, which helps the blood vessels to spasm less. I still feel cold, but at least I know I have blood flow in my hands. The frequent lack of blood flow will damage the vessels. My neurologist also said that I remain cold due to the autonomic neuropathy. She said there is no medication for that other than trying mestinon, which may help all of the symptoms I have because it is supposed to help nerve function. The doctors have said that using heating pads, blankets, and gel packs often is ok as long as you don't make them too hot to burn yourself. I buy the heating pads and blankets that automatically shut off in case I fall asleep. I do not sweat, so I can overheat easily. Good luck on your quest for temperature control!


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