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I was at Dr. Grubb's office yesterday

Guest Julia59

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Guest Julia59

Hi everyone,

I went for my appointment with HARRY yesterday at the cardiology clinic at The Medical University of Ohio. This is also where Dr. Grubb see's his dysautonomia patients. I was there to have my cardiac loop recorder checked---mainly to make sure it worked OK and to check out my scar.

My scar has been oozing on the left corner of it. It doesn't look infected, but it is still leaking. The results this time was nothing much, other then my heart beats too fast----even on the bets blockers. No arrhythmias were recorded yet. Harry is a nurse at the cardiology clinic, and he is also the nurse attending with a cardiologist during the tilt table tests.

Anyway, I though I would ask the receptionist about Dr. Grubb. She usually knows what is going on because she is the one that has to change the schedules---or schedule the patients.

She said Dr. Grubb is OK physically, he just has some other obligations that can't be avoided. He also has his electrophysiology/cardiology patients, as well as all the procedures he does. He's a busy busy man.

She feels really bad about having to reschedule some of the appointments, but it was something that had to be done. She said some of the people who were rescheduled were really nasty to her. She felt it was pretty unfair as she has nothing to do with this change. I told her I would hate to be in her shoes--- B)

She feels especially bad for those coming from out of town---traveling many hundreds of miles, but she is just the messenger.

That is what is so unfortunate about the lack of knowledge on dysautonomia---------not enough doctors for the volume of patients who suffer from ANS dysfunction.

Julie :0)

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thanks for the update julie:-) glad to hear that there's no big excitement with the recorder (although i know answers are generally a welcome thing too!)

i know that things have gotten worse regarding scheduling with dr. grubb since his health issues but it has been rough for awhile...

ernie, i would totally understand if you decided not to make the trip. and while i don't mean to be negative, i really don't see the scheduling at dr. g's office improving any time in the near future, if ever. b/c like i mentioned above, it was an increasingly rough issue even before his health troubles.

it makes me sad for all involved...dr. g, his staff, patients...and i don't know what the answer is...


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