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I am a 20 year old female and was diagnosed with POTS a few weeks ago (I was having an extreme reaction to standing- going from 60bpm straight to 190bpm causing me to feel faint). I have been getting these symptoms:

-Stabbing chest pains in the left side, Palpitations all the time without certain triggers, Feeling chest tightness only on the left, Tachychardia attacks, Ectopic beats (shown on an event monitor). However, my blood pressure doesn't actually drop it stays the same; the heart rate just increases.

I have been prescribed Propranolol 20mg daily and it has honestly been miraculous, curing most of the unwanted symptoms of POTS. I couldn't recommend beta blockers enough to alleviate the tachychardia side of the condition. However, I was wondering if anyone else experiences the same symptoms as me of getting PVCs (skipped heartbeats), which feel as though your heart stops and then restarts again; you feel a big thud. This is the only symptom I really find it hard to live with- I am going back to university soon and don't feel comfortable with these. Are ectopic beats actually a common symptom of POTS?

I have been reading things about low ferritin levels causing palpitations and possibly skipped beats, and generally exacerbating POTS symptoms. My ferritin is around level 40 (hair recently started to fall out quite a bit).

I wondered if anyone had any more information on how to reduce ectopics, or whether you could shed some light onto the ferritin/ POTS connection.

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Hi @kkirsten - welcome to this forum! -- When I first started with my POTS symptoms I noticed the palpitations the most. BB made me feel like a million bucks as well! But it did not take the PVC's away. I tried Metoprolol, Bystolic and Propanolol - what ended up helping to get rid of them was Carvelidol  It is a beta and alpha blocker, so it has additional properties. -- After 8 years of POTS I had my ferritin level checked recently and it was very low at 4. Since then I have supplemented iron and my recent check was normal. No change in POTS symptoms though. However - I am fairly stable with my cardiovascular meds unless I have a triggered flare. Then I need IV fluids. When in a flare the PVC's came back with a vengeance and IV fluids give immediate relief - but not in the form of a fluid bolus. That has proven to be ineffective for ALL of my symptoms including hypertension and hypotension. I improve rapidly with fluids given at 125 ml/hour . --- In my case rest also relives the PVC's. 

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27 minutes ago, Pistol said:

Hi @kkirsten - welcome to this forum! -- When I first started with my POTS symptoms I noticed the palpitations the most. BB made me feel like a million bucks as well! But it did not take the PVC's away. I tried Metoprolol, Bystolic and Propanolol - what ended up helping to get rid of them was Carvelidol  It is a beta and alpha blocker, so it has additional properties. -- After 8 years of POTS I had my ferritin level checked recently and it was very low at 4. Since then I have supplemented iron and my recent check was normal. No change in POTS symptoms though. However - I am fairly stable with my cardiovascular meds unless I have a triggered flare. Then I need IV fluids. When in a flare the PVC's came back with a vengeance and IV fluids give immediate relief - but not in the form of a fluid bolus. That has proven to be ineffective for ALL of my symptoms including hypertension and hypotension. I improve rapidly with fluids given at 125 ml/hour . --- In my case rest also relives the PVC's. 

Oh gosh that's horrible! As I've said in my post, I have read things about both magnesium and iron deficiency which exacerbate the symptoms of POTS. I feel like I will give the iron supplements a go, as I don't generally have the worst POTS symptoms such as fainting. I agree with rest relieving them! But I aim to slowly reverse the exercise intolerance, to see if it also helps my condition/ PVCS:)

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