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New diagnosis-need help

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Hi ALl,   Its been a while since I have followed here, been dealing with different medical conditions. I broke my foot and was in a brace and no sooner that came off I developed a UTI and once that was fixed, I developed pneumonia. The Xray that confirmed it showed a possible neoplasm. I had to wait 6 weeks before second xray could be done. That was yesterday-and the "opacity" is still there. So next step is Cat Scan and then a Broncoscopy and biopsy. I have been fortunate to never been in hospital all these years so I needed some advice. Has anyone had any odd reactions to Cat Scan dye/contrast??? How about anesthesia response? Precautions? Warnings?  In the past I have had issue with the lidocaines as I absorb them more quickly than others;but otherwise no other issuess before.  I would really appreciate any assistance you could provide



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I have issues with the CT contrast. Not sure which one they used but boy, it was something else. The technician said your body may feel warm like you are peeing on yourself. Don't worry it is OK. Try to be still. I felt like my body was on fire and had flames shooting out of the palms of my hands and soles of my feet. It sounds really scary when I describe it but I still managed to lay still for the 5 or 10 minutes they needed. I don't like the CT contrast I will avoid it in the future if I can. As a side note it may have been an issue with the procedure. They blew my IV the first time they tried it. Not the needle part in my arm but the actually tubing. Turns out the catheter kinked in my arm so that may have had something to do with it too. Nurses were all shocked. They had never seen an IV do that before. 

My hubby had a CT scan of his kidneys and I believe one of them was with the contrast. He had no issues. 

I had MRI contrast and it didn't even bother me at all. They said it was different stuff. 

I had an Upper GI scope done and I handled the anesthesia just fine. I imagine it would be something similar since they don't need you out long. 

I have had lidocaine issues before. I had my wisdom teeth removed (non-surgically) right before my POTS reared its head and I reacted oddly to it. I felt like I was gonna shake apart but not cold. And if I controlled the shaking I felt like my heart was going to explode. It was odd. 

I also require tons more to numb me then most people. When I was 15 I had a simple extraction done. I was 90 lbs soaking wet at the time. They had to use 3 1/2 times the amount they would have used on an adult man just to get me numb enough to pull that tooth. 

So now I have it in my dentist chart to use non-epinephrine lidocaine. Not sure if that is actually what it is called but either way it doesn't have the epinephrine in it so it doesn't bother me to have my mouth numbed up. It is a good thing too since they numb it every year for a special cleaning I have to get done. 

I would ask your medical team and questions or concerns you may have. The nurses and assistants all will try to help you as much as possible. I expect everything will go pretty smooth with your testing. Good luck on your testing and I hope everything works out well for you. 

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Oh @Debbie Rose, what a trial you have had recently.  I hope all turns out well.  Post POTS I have had an endoscopy and MRI with contrast, no problems.  My neurologist said not to have “caines” if possible, same with epinephrine (ok for anaphylaxis).  Can you check with your dys specialist to see if they can recommend people/places/drugs?  Please let us know how it goes.

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