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3rd cold in 6 weeks. ***?


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I’ve been diagnosed with hyperadregenic POTS for 3 years, autoimmune UCTD for 2.  It seems like every time I try to increase my aerobic exercise I get a cold.  It’s not the flu, I’ve been tested but I’m wondering if it’s the same virus that I can’t clear (exact same symptoms) or ?? All my UCTD symptoms are also flaring too.  Anybody else have this happen? Other than becoming a sloth any ideas?  TIA.

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Have you considered it to potentially be something in your diet that is causing the flu-like symptoms to flare? You have obviously noticed a pattern of when these symptoms come about, but you could also be consuming something in this routine with your aerobic excerise before or after. As how long after the excerise do you get the 'cold'? Is it almost immediate or farther into the day for example, as more time passes, the more variables are introduced - which is why it might not be the excerise itself. As an example, you could be having an immune reaction to the food which you might only consume before or after exercising.

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Thanks for the replies.  @dancer65I had forgotten that CFS could cause these symptoms, thanks. Unfortunately, my neurologist told me point blank she doesn’t diagnose CFS three years ago. I’m going to ask again and ask my new PCP.  I certainly have all the symptoms and actually thought that was what wrong with me when I first got sick.  I made an appointment with an ANS neurologist for this reason only to be tested for and told I have dysautonomia.  

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I hope you can find someone who will work with you although I had diagnosis in 1987 after glandular fever I moved and since then  GPs  s tell me CFS doesn't exist . When I finally got referred to cardiologist specialising in syncope and POTS he discussed the association of cfs and pots and wrote to my GP surgery stating he thought I had cfs ! Sad as it is is it gave me some satisfaction lol 

Can you do any kind of exercise without symptoms ? 


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A few times I have worked up my aerobic exercise to fairly light every other day or a bit more intensity to two days off between workouts. I have setbacks and back off with some regularity.  I’m pretty certain that the first cold really was a cold.  There was a woman coughing and sneezing all over the rheumatologist’s office and two or three days later wham.  The other two have the same symptoms and have occurred after increasing my exercise.  I also do strength training a couple of times a week.  I am housebound and just about any activity brings on pretty intense fatigue but I know PT and exercise have helped with some things.  

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Some days I have awful pain after exercise some days it's ok but always leaves me fatigued to some extent ,I find an hour of slow stretching always helps to energise me and relieve the aches,  also massage myself after a shower and I  use a nova sonic regularly on my neck .to release the tension 

We spend many hours on self help no wonder we are so tired ! 

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