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Dizzy from pressure on back of head?


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I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this, or if anyone has an idea why this happens. 

So, if I have pressure put on the occipital part of my head, I get a strong feeling of dizziness, sometimes light nausea.  I've had this happen when sitting upright in newer cars where the head restraints are pushing against the back of my head and I've also noticed it when I'm laying down flat and the weight of my head is focused on the occipital region such as a dentist chair or laying flat on a bed.    If I'm able to spread out the pressure across more of the head, the sensation goes away.   

I've been thinking about this one for awhile and can't seem to come up with an explanation.  

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Guest KiminOrlando

I think you need to see a neurologist. I'm wondering if your intercranial pressure is off or if fluid isn't flowing properly due to a blockage like a Chiari. Clearly I'm not a doctor, so take what a say with a huge grain of salt, but consider consulting a neurologist and tell him exactly what you just said. 

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I do get chair massages (with massage therapist, not the Brookstone type chairs) and haven't ever experienced this when they're doing scalp and head massages.   I've just noticed it with car seats, dentist chairs, and laying flat in bed without a pillow.  With my latest car, I had them put in heavily padded headrests with extra side support, and so far so good.  

Kim: I'm hesitant to get doctors involved again.  Many bad experiences with them, especially with them making things much worse.  For now, my body is still symptomatic but it's stable so I know what to expect and can work around it.  I was hoping someone else might have already come across this and had some insight. 

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I have struggled with feeling ill and feeling discomfort when there is pressure against that area of my head as well.

I have been checked for Chiari, stenosis, etc. All clear.

I DID test positive for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and the PT for this has resolved a great deal of these issues. My PT uses Dr. Peter Rowe's techniques to relieve neural tensions. 

I also get massage, take Lyrica, LDN, put essential oils and Deep Blue Rub on the back of my neck.

This issue has been consistent for me throughout my 20 years of illness, and when I am trying to rest and want to lie down it can be very difficult to relax because of teh discomfort, the throbbing, etc.


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