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Could this be pots related?


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I have been diagnosed with POTS, and I'm wondering if anyone with pots has experienced the same thing as me. Earlier today I was walking to class when I tripped and fell. I started having a lot of pots symptoms, along with it being really hard to breathe. When I went to the dr they said that my body most likely could not go from standing to sitting that fast because of my pots. This is not the first time this has happened, so I'm concerned that if I fall again I will have the same (or a worse) reaction. So is it possible for pots to affect you when you go from standing to sitting as well as sitting to standing? Thanks!

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Most people w POTS I think feel better lying or sitting than they do standing.  However, I sometimes find that even small stresses can cause POTS symptoms to surface.  That might explain it.  Falling down can also cause the diaphragm to spasm which can make you feel like it is hard to breathe (having the wind knocked out of you so to speak).

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