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Feeding Tube Question

Guest ANCY

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Hi! Wanted to ask if anyone has ideas for handling feeding tube displacement?(Mine is for nutrition and hydration because I don't get enough orally due to gastroperesis.) For the umpteenth time my feeding tube has shifted towards the surface and this time the balloon popped through the stoma. I Have it taped down for now but can't use it, obviously, until it's fixed. Hopefully my GI Dr will be able to get me in with IR quickly. Problem is that this is an almost monthly occurrence.

So my question is Are there other options for jejunal feeding tubes? Other ways to troubleshoot? What ideas could I bring to my GI Dr? Im thinking maybe a button but that still has a balloon... 

Thank you so much for sharing any ideas or input!

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I have had a j-tube since 2008.  I do not know the "name" of mine but I can tell you that my GI Dr. has to use an upper endoscope when he changes my tube (appx every two years).  It is secured on the inside somehow.  I'm sorry I can't be more specific but hope that information helps in some way.  

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Thanks plaxico6,

I think mine is a bit different, they placed it surgically the first time and have only been using the balloon tube to avoid surgery. I see my GI Dr tomorrow and will ask about the kind  that are done during an EGD. They did replace my tube yesterday, stoma is stretched from the balloon, bUT otherwise ok for now, they just placed a guide wire and exchanged the tubes over it. 

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Sure! He is going to look into other tube option, he's not sure if the button would be the best choice for me. He said he'd speak with the IR DR to get his opinion of what kind could be used effectively. He  did agree that something needs to change so I don't have to keep going in every 4-8 weeks to have it replaced. He burned off some of the granulation tissue and sinched down the bumper to essentially plug the hole. ( gives me a little compassion for our horses lol!) It has decreased the amount of drainage for now at least, we'll see how it looks tomorrow. That is one of the things he said you wouldn't be able to do with a button.

Also discussed the frequent "tube explosions" that  happen when the back pressure builds up so much that it forces the feed tube off. He thinks that my bowel may be kinked and not working well because of adhesions from all the abdominal surgeries that didn't heal right. If it continues he said there's a possibility a surgeon would have to go in and excise some of the bowel thats affected by the scar tissue. 

He is concerned about how little I'm getting in (around 750 calories and only about a litter of fluid) and then vomiting and diarrhea on top of that... He is glad that cardio is starting iv fluids, said he has seen success with it as a treatment with his other POTS patients. 

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