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POTS/neurally mediated syncope and sex - help!

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Hi everyone new here!

Have POTS (non-hyperadrenergic we think though they are repeating the autonomic function tilt test done at the National hospital of Neurology in Queen's square London as at that time I was on Amitryptiline and not sure if this impacted test), Ehlers Danlos and also neurally mediated syncope.  I knew I had EDS for some time but the dysautonomia is a new incident after viral infection over last few months. Am currently on salt tablets and about to take ranitidine and mestinon.  Didn't really feel like dating but recently met someone and wondering what if anything happens during sex with POTS as my understanding is that the ANS regulates orgasm function and since am tachycardic anyway (usually resting 63-89, standing 119 - 140) what is the safe rate your heart can go up to? Can you have a heart attack? Can you have more or less sensation in orgasm due to the catelocolamine release? If you feel adrenalin surge like a heat sensation in stomach what can you do to bring that down and does this mean you are more or less likely to faint?

Does anyone have any constructive advice or help? Thanks so much!

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Normal person I believe is 200-age for max excercise hr. I have never fainted during sex. Sensations change daily, sometimes it is good, sometimes bad. Orgasm for me has been out of reach but it can still be enjoyable. Best thing you could do is ask your doctor if it is safe for you do to so, and if it comes up make sure your partner understands your condition, and be flexible (lol I know bad pun for the EDS, I just couldn't help myself). Sometimes weird positions can be the best for symptom management. Good luck!

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I wear a heart rate monitor, so I've noted that sex is less strenuous than standing up.  Pick a horizontal position, LOL.

Max heart rate is 220 minus your age.  

The only thing I've noticed in the middle of POTS symptoms, sensation feels different, unpleasant.  Hubby woke me up this morning and I insisted on brushing my teeth first.  My heart rate jumped >60 bpm while brushing my teeth and I was short of breath and feeling generally unwell.  I laid down in bed (panting) and he touched my skin lightly.  It felt unusually intense and uncomfortable - I jerked away and batted his hand away! - but the sensation went away in a couple minutes when my heart rate returned to normal.

Ask your doctor if you're concerned.  Good luck to you!

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8 hours ago, BuffRockChick said:

I laid down in bed (panting) and he touched my skin lightly.  It felt unusually intense and uncomfortable - I jerked away and batted his hand away! - but the sensation went away in a couple minutes when my heart rate returned to normal.

I think that might be due to high adrenaline from being upright. I notice similar hypersensitivity after standing for a while.

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