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Can you do anything to stop/settle painful paresthesia?


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I have had a really busy, stressful couple of weeks and as usual, it's triggered a bad flare of lots of my symptoms, most of which I can deal with or know I just have to put up with until I they pass. Might help if my doctors would sort themselves out, but that's another story.

One symptom that is really bothering me at the moment though is scalded skin/painful paresthesia.    It comes in repetitive waves through my arms, legs and back and is so painful that actually I don't think paresthesia is even a good description of it - it's just the closest I could get to explaining it.  I also get numb/fuzzy patches here and there along with it.  I only tend to get it this badly when I am really run down and very low physically and I know I am running on empty at the moment.

I've been flushing quite a bit too, so took a chance on trying an antihistamine yesterday and I 'think' it helped, at least to some degree.  I have no idea whether or not I have mast cell issues, I don't know much about it, but I'd always assumed not, as I'm not a typically 'allergic' person, if you see what I mean.  Now with the flushing and painful skin I'm beginning to wonder.  

Does anyone else get this and/or have any other ideas that might help reduce the pain of it.  I can cope with normal paresthesia,  if there is such a thing, as I've had it most of my adult life, but find the burning and stinging really hard to deal with.

I should add that I also have complex regional pain syndrome in my left foot and lower leg (fortunately that's not flaring just at the moment) but the pain/burning of this parasthesia is a different kind of burning to the pain I get with that.

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