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Constant Low Grade Fever And A Question For The Ladies


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My daughter has been running a low grade fever, no higher than 99.4, for the last couple of months. She had a yeast infection that we were having a terrible time getting under control because Urgent Care said, 'oh probably UTI, too. We'll treat for that and yeast.' Back and forth it went for 3 months because nobody treats a UTI or yeast infection for any length of time to kill any bacteria. My daughter's normal temp is 97.6 and so a 99.4 temperature feels like a fever to her. Chills, sweats, etc. The UTI is gone, yeast is going. Temp was normal for a few days (late last week), and then the last couple of days it is climbing again.

Does anyone have a constant low grade fever when things like this are going on? Everything was finally under control, we thought, and then the fever starts rising again. I will add that her autonomic state is really bad right now. She has almost passed out every time she's taken a shower over the last week, with the exception of today. She has Ehler's Danlos Type III, and I believe she has (at the very least) very active mast cells. Anything ring a bell with anyone? Thanks for your help!!

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I often times have a low grade fever - between 99.7 and 99.5 - although it's not constant. I do feel like I have a fever when this happens though, major fatigue, body aches, just feeling sickly. I'm not sure what's causing mine, though. I have constant GI symptoms so it may be related to that, or just the dysautonomia. Either way, it's not fun and I'm sorry for your daughter!

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Hi Shathaway,

Thanks for sharing! At first I was blaming it all on the yeast infection, but after putting the pieces together, I think that it's more that the dysautonomia kicks up when there is an infection. Not that the infection itself is causing the fever. Just her body's reaction to it. Isn't this all so complicated!? She went to a NP gynecologist today, and when the nurse did her vitals, her heart rate was up to 125! The machine was beeping with a warning sign and everything! She looked at my daughter and asked if she was nervous, at which she responded "no", but I do have POTS. :wacko:

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No problem! I've been taking my temp regularly too in order to establish what my "normal" temperature is which I feel like helps confirm the higher temp is actually a fever. Some physicians argue that anything below 100 is not technically running a temperature if there's no obvious infection (my parents included) but my "normal" temp is 97.8-98.1. So for me, anything above 99.3 or 99.4 makes me feel like crap! Yeah I'm glad I finally have my POTS diagnosis as nurses often comment on my vitals too, so I can tell them with confidence now "It's just the POTS" haha.

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