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For Those With Mast Cell Activation Syndrome


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1) If I suspect I have MCAS, what kind of self-treatment could I try to see if things improve (or medication I could ask my doc to try)?
Obviously antihistamines (which I take already...I can NOT go off them or I'm miserable). I've also read diet is important (I seem to do ok with foods like homemade raw sauerkraut, but something like a few sips of wine makes me feel terrible - far more than if I drank any other kind of alcohol, although all alcohol bothers me these days).

2) Do any of you wear contact lenses and feel you are "allergic" to them? I can only tolerate a few hours of wear and my eyes start itching badly, even after I take them out. I wear the monthly ones and change them often. I didn't used to have that problem with contacts.

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I'm in the process of investigating mcas

Prior to pots I've never had reaction to much

Now, meds, food, perfumes/pollen

I have a script for a h1h2 blocker but haven't started yet. Waiting on lab results. My histamine plasma level was a bit higher than norm. I've worn glasses for years.. So no advice on contacts.

Processed foods/ leftovers hear tell are the worst for histamine issues. I've already given up caffeine... If chocolate is on the chopping block I will be sad. Keep us posted

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