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Saw The Cardiologist Today - Didn't Get Far


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They ran an EKG which was normal except bradycardia (expected). They don't think it's POTS since I don't have tachycardia. They said there's no such thing as too low BP (mine isn't low low anyway, more like 100/70). They basically said I have some form of dysautonomia and they are on the fence about doing a TTT as the treatment will be the same regardless. It was mentioned that it probably comes from a vascular dysfunction and I'm pretty sure they were saying that the vascular dysfunction was probably due to being an athlete and being muscular. So I guess there is such a thing as working out too much, although I've lost muscle tone over recent years and have only gotten worse. So the treatment is basically what I have been doing - compression, salt, small meals and midodrine as needed (haven't tried that yet, how do I know when I need it?). They asked if I had tried any of the antidepressants and I said no because of the side effects, but I think I once tried Wellbutrin (discontinued right before changing health happened) and I remember that the side effects weren't too bad (can't recall if it causes insomnia...that's usually the deal breaker with those types of drugs since I have plenty of trouble sleeping already). There must have been a reason why I decided to quit Wellbutrin after a few months.


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I haven't been following all of your posts however I just thought I'd mention that a good friend of mine had similar symptoms starting a few years ago. bradycardia, low bp and some other symptoms. Initially. bc of her age possibly, they said the same thing...that she had vascular dysfunction due to being athletic. She owns and teaches at a yoga/zumba studio and is very fit. Eventually she was diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome and now has a pacemaker. She also was diagnosed finally with EDS in the past year. This may not (and I hope not) be relevant to you at all, but I thought I would mention it b/c of some similarities.

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Thanks! It was suggested about 10 years ago that I might have the same condition, but it wasn't doctors who made the suggestion, it was a group of friends who worked in a hospital (several were nurses). Do you know how she was diagnosed?

On EDS, I am somewhat flexible (I could probably pass the "test" for flexibility in certain joints), but I've never had a dislocation and I read that EDS patients have frequent dislocations. So I guess I feel that doesn't fit me.

I will bring both up to my family doc and see what he says (he's a really smart and up on the latest education guy).

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Her symptoms progressed and she was eventually diagnosed by an EP. He was even hesitant however to install a pacemaker b/c of her age (she was 37 or so at time). Initially he tried to address the problem with a medication (not sure what it was) but that wasn't sufficient. He also told her he didn't think she had EDS, however she researched on her own b/c of certain other symptoms she was noticing (skin and joints). She was diagnosed with EDS by a geneticist at Univ of MD. Whether the two problems are actually related is unclear. However after the diagnosis it was discovered that her aorta was dilated, and now that has to be watched. Thankful that she followed up and got correct diagnosis. Like for too many of us it took a long time to be taken seriously and get needed treatment.

B/c of her conditions her EP has now limited her workouts to a level which would be reasonable and a healthy level of activity for anyone, but is difficult since teaching fitness is her livelihood.

She is feeling much better since the pacemaker was installed--which is the great news.

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