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Does Your Temp Rise


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I conducted an experiment today. so now I ask...... if you are not in air conditioning and are hot does your temp rise? Mine does apparently. I was in the hot kitchen. I do have a head cold and was feeling particularly uncomfortable. Took temp. Was 100. But back in air cond. for 10 or 15 minutes Even with crummy head cold it went to 97.2. Am I that sensitive to heat? I don't think it was a fever.

Caught this cold from hubby who caught from friend....

Gal at walk in clinic said it's going around. In the summer no less

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Hey Heartandsoul, sorry about the cold, that does seem terribly unfair at this time of year :/ I'm curious, were you sitting or standing when you got the 100 reading? I haven't noticed that heat drives my temperature up, but recently found that standing for more than a few mins raises it every time, sometimes even to a little past 100. It goes back down a few minutes after sitting. I wonder if it’s something similar, some form of temperature regulation dysfunction...?

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Hello Outofadream,

Thank you for your reply. Yes. I was standing. Yet, that is very interesting about your own observation however yet heat doesn't raise your temp.

Guess standing....heat...anything is possible to produce an issue.

One new thing I've noticed lately after paying attention to cause and effect and this is new.....I've noticed that if I get even a tinge of stress I break into a sweat. I get boiling hot.

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I don't typically get fevers when ill (i blame this on the dysatuonomia) and my temp is normally low 96.7. However, it definitely changes in a/c and or heat or even when its bitterly cold out. I can get hypothermia and heat stroke very easily. I do have temperature regulation issues as part of my dysautonomia and I don't/can't sweat (except when I have hot flashes, which is very odd and curious to me).

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Generally, my temp runs below normal. But, when my doc conducted my sweat test (heated room over a period of time and also added steam at the end), my temp went from 97.1 to 102.9. It dropped back to 97.1 by the time I was ready to leave. So, I would say there must circumstances when this is happening to me and I just haven't taken my temp.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have trouble with temperature regulation too. For example I spent about an hour or two outside while the air temperature was in the 50s with a blanket draped over me in my wheelchair and when I thought to take my temperature (because I was so cold and feeling off) it was 93.7. I promptly went to bed tunneled under a pile of blankets. When I awoke my temperature was 101.8, I continued to have wide fluctuations the rest of the day. There are many times my temperature has seemed inappropriately elevated, especially if I'm exposed to heat. I have found that I have less symptoms when I am cool and now that the air is turning cooler I am also seeing overall symptoms improve. I also have trouble anytime I have some kind of infection, Doctors are even surprised at how high my Temps go, up to 105-106 sometimes. I have noticed that I don't seem to sweat appropriately either.

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There certainly seems to be a temp sensitivity spectrum going on with some of us. I'm sorry that you have to deal with such fluctuations as you've described.

I also feel better when the outside air is cooler wc it is today. That said, I don't know whether to attribute feeling better today to lower temps outside or that I'm on day 5 of abx now for what turned into a sinus infection from the head cold. Maybe both but truly it is a guessing game.

Like you I get worsened ans symptoms when I'm I'll.

About sweating. I do sweat when I get an infection. And chills. Constant, constant fluctuations from super duper sweating to chills and that could be without a fever. Something is dis-regulated there. Also as I mentioned previously a tinge of stress and I am so boiling hot I'm surprised I don't melt like a candle. And I sweat too.

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