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Advice For Healthy Nutritional Substitutes/ Quick Meals


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Hi everyone,

Relatively simple query where I would like to lean on those with experience. I would like advice/suggestions about simple foods, recipes, and products for a healthy diet for those with gastric motility issues.

I'm off to gastroparesis testing on the 24th (waited two months!). My gastro symptoms began with severe GERD and evolved into little appetite and feeling prematurely full. No vomiting; a bit of nausea. I've lost quite a bit of weight. I also have developed severe constipation; I think this is also a result of being housebound since April. (I have just begun floor-based yoga yesterday and managed 25 minutes today -- a real step for me!)

I'm sort of horrified by ingredients in commercial brands of supplements, although I drink one each morning. I read about "Orgain" and wonder about other nutritional supplements I see on the web. I am basically living on almond milk, greek yogurt, frozen pureed squash, packaged tuna (to my dismay), broiled or barbecued plain chicken and crackers with peanut butter. I just got a new "Magic Bullet" blender (and am too fatigued to open the **** box -- so I'm not quite up to complex preparation or cooking. And I was such a cook!), but I welcome smoothie/soup suggestions!

I'm also interesting in supplements, although I am cautious about them as I am about meds.

Yet just read an article "Coenzyme Q10 helps Verterans Battle Gulf War Illness Symptoms" (UC San Diego Health; Nov. 3, 2014) -- builds mitochrondrial strength. This was a carefully controlled study. I have no idea whether mitochrondrial issues are implicated in my sudden-onset general dysautonomia, but got the supplement immediately (what the heck).

I also just ordered Magnesium Citrate -- heard it's good for sleep (big issue with me) and constipation.

Thank you in advance for your advice!


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I did enjoy a simple frozen mango smoothie. It was a pick me up.

I am enjoying Quinoa now. It only takes 15 minutes to make a simple cereal like oatmeal. It has a complete amino acid profile which is not common among plant based foods. The same would go for amaranth seeds.

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