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First Adrenaline Surge?


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HI All,

Ok, so YES it's yet ANOTHER question.

As some of you know i'm struggling with chronic insomnia at the moment, which isn't too much fun.

I've had to learn to accept it, relax, and not worry about it, etc.

So, last night i went to bed around 11:45am, after having almost no sleep during the previous two nights. (I've had a awful two days).

I spent some time chilling in the bed with my lovely lady beforehand and was struggling to keep my eyes open i was so sleepy.

I decided to try sleeping without taking 2mg Diazepam - i figured i'd sleep easily, given almost no sleep two previous nights.

So lights out - all good.

After perhaps 10 mins. i noticed a weird jittery sensation in my torso/abdomen. I was lovely, relaxed & sleepy, so this seemed weird. i tried to ignore it, but it intensified. I mentioned it to my lady and she hugged me for comfort. My body began to feel 'on edge'? Again , i tried to ignore it.

My partner left because she couldn't sleep and was concerned she would keep me awake. I went to the bathroom then back to bed.

I felt emotionally relaxed and fine and was comfortable, but the jittery sensations remained. I wasn't anxious, but it kind of felt like my body was? (I don't do worry or anxiety).

So, i got up, spoke to my partner in other bedroom briefly, then back to bed. After perhaps only a minute or so my heart suddenly began pounding really loudly - the worst it's ever been. (This keeps happening - and i think it's this that is causing insomnia?). It was also faster than it should be for resting. I didn't feel emotionally anxious or tense or anything, but my whole body felt 'on edge', almost nervous? etc. I knew right there that i wouldn't be able to sleep - it was so loud and the jittery nervous sensations were very pronounced. The room also felt very empty with my lady absent.

I asked her to return, which she did and i took 2mg Diazepam to see if it would calm my body down. We hugged a while, which was really comforting for me. (20 - 30mins.) Then we agreed to try to sleep. By this time my body was calmed, heart quiet, etc. And i fell asleep very quickly. and had best sleep in ages. I'm guessing the meds. worked.

I just wanted to ask if this sounds like an Adrenaline rush? I've been reading about them on this forum, but never experienced one before.

I don't believe this event/symptoms was caused by myself having an emotional response to something, because i am not that type of person/i'm relaxed about the insomnia, my mind was very chilled out, looking forward to sleep, etc. It really did seem like my body just suddenly started to misbehave for no apparent reason,

I would appreciate any imput from anyone experienced in these 'rushes'.

I'd also like ot ask how others manage their adrenaline rushes?

Thanks in advance again,

Mike :-)

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Hi Mike,

It sounds like it could have been an adrenaline rush. It's always hard to say over the Internet but it had a familiar ring to it.

Mine are currently not being managed but it's on the agenda to talk to my POTS neuro about it later this month. If I find anything interesting I will post a topic.

Hope your sleep issues improve.

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Hey Mikey,

You may find this thread helpful:http://forums.dinet.org/index.php?/topic/26735-severe-insomnia-and-my-belated-intro/

Do you get tired at all throughout the day? Lack of sleep is a terrible thing to have to go through.

It will get better. It seems like you have a supportive significant other which is really helpful. Have you seen a sleep doctor or had sleep study yet? Sorry if I've missed it in another post.

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Hi Katybug, Nice to hear from you again,

Hi SarahA33 - it's very good to meet you :-)

Thanks for your imput once again katybug. I think an adrenaline rush is all i could think of to explain the event.

Sarah, oh yes i get tired! lol! I have severe CFS/ME and severe Firbomyalgia, so energy was always a problem before the insomnia began. Let's just say its made my life even more interesting than it already was! I've been at point of collapse so many times since insomnia began. I do hope it does settle down soon. I would like to get my former life back! I am a very lucky man, my lady is wonderful. it's my birthday on 3rd September, and our 10th anniversary on 11th September - a major event for us. We are still very much all loved up, and i don't want this to wreck our celebrations.

i am currently awaiting a referral to a sleep clinic. But i'm not expecting anything from them any time soon. The UK is awful for good quality medical care/support. I'm more than 70 nights into this and in serious trouble - and we have yet to make any meaningful progress with cause/treatment, etc.

It was only my researching very carefully over the past two years that led to my being diagnosed - basically by myself! The Neurologist i saw recently just kind of agreed with my diagnosis and that was that! No potential support/treatment was offered.

Basically you have to be very rich and/or privileged if you want good medical support here in the UK - thanks to our crappy privileged politicians constantly eroding services/funding for the medical community. And further, if it's anything but a simple problem then the UK seems to be the last place you'd want to be. I always get more useful info from U.S. and Canadian websites - just like this one! lol! :-)

Lets just say i'm proving to be an education for my local GP centre and my local hospitals!

Thanks again :-)

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