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Insomnia - I Almost Don't Want To Ask This..... (Yikes!)


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Hi all,

Well, i'm on day 64 with very mixed/very little/no sleep - lots of fun!

My sleep each night currently varies from 0 - 1.5hrs, 3 - 4 hrs, 5hrs. on a good night, and 6.5 hrs if i'm realy, really lucky!

This is with me practising very good sleep hygiene and taking 2mg Diazepam just before bed (Like a good little boy!).

I'm now wondering how others on here cope/manage their insomnia? And how long it can last?

I would very much appreciate it if people would share their insomnia experiences - how long it lasted, what meds. you tried, any other tricks and tips.

I have a very important Anniversary to celebrate in three weeks, and i'd like a minor miracle to fi this before then!

I don't want to be a jibbering, exhausted wreck during such an imortant occasion :-)

Thanks in advance,

Mike :-)

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I have pretty much constant sleep issues as far as felling asleep which could take me annywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours most nights, though I get enough hours of sleep each night once I can fall asleep. I found waking up earlier helps and reading before bed. Not really a cure in any way but it makes it manageable.

Do you have any insight into whether your diazepam is making your sleep problems worse? I only ask that because I think with most sleep/ tranquilizer medications they can worsen insomnia in the long run.

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