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For Those With Headaches

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Nice find. I haven't heard of it before. I guess my case is turning a bit different. We have recently found that I have a gene mutation that causes thrombosis (sludgey blood syndromes/hypercoagulability syndromes). These syndromes (and there are many to be tested for) can cause lots of microclots that aren't big enough to cause strokes but can cause chronic migraines that aren't controlled by traditional means. We are still doing some testing but the goal will be to put me on a blood thinner. These syndromes can cause clots that cause major cardiovascular events, plus a blood thinner may relieve my migraines by stopping the microclots. I am thankful that a doctor finally thought to do this testing and we didn't just keep searching for a migraine treatment that worked which we were never gonna find. I always felt like we were missing something and we were. I am thankful I went after the cause of my migraines and not just treatment.

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