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Raised Arms Become Pale?

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Did anybody notice that if you raise just one arm and leave the other one dependant, the skin of the raised arm/hand gets extremely (!) pale (almost white) compared to the dependent arm after only 3-4 seconds...?

Maybe this is a pretty normal mechanism in everybody (also healthy people) but I only realised it now... It looks freaky, to be honest...

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I think it's common, at least in me haha. I have that same thing with my legs. While seated my legs turn purple. When I raise them they turn pale. You may want to try raise just one leg haha it freaked my husband out when he once saw that. I don't think it's normal in healthy people (tried once with my hubby) or at least not as obvious. When I'm in acute danger of fainting I lie down with someone holding my legs up, this is the quickest way to make me feel better.

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Hi Corina! Do you have it with your arms too...?

And what do you mean exactely by "raising" legs? Just raise them as ballet dancers do? Do you bend your knee, when you raise your leg?

When I sit down, my legs are pale, also when I lay down or walk around - they only turn red (rather mottled red/white/yellow) when I stand motionless in place for too long.

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My arms/legs do this to. I never noticed it before I became sick. I also see the veins get very large, and then shrink. I look like I have varicose veins (mild) standing, though I do not. All of this came with the illness.

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I am very sorry to hear you have these symptoms too, gjensen... Are they for you a kind of "marker" too - to more intense these phenomena occur, the worse you feel in general?

Did you get any of explanation from docs what this "Thing" could represent...?

Best wishes!!

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Corina - again, we see, how different we all are...

I have no problems at all with raising my arms for a longer time (except them getting pale, but that doesn't "hurt"). And my HR even goes down (!) when I raise my arms - maybe because there's more blood available for the other upper parts of my body...?

The closer we look at each and every symptom of our diseases, the more I believe that there is something going on with us that has literally nothing to do with what medicine has "found out" about POTS/dysautonomia over time...

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I think this is very normal although more pronounced for us due to the blood pooling making hand and arms looking darker than most. I had a magic trick book when I was very young. One of the tricks was to tell a friend to hold one hand up while you have your back to them. Then you wait a bit and have them put it down. You turn around and tell them which hand they had up. The trick was to pick out the hand that was paler.

I too have the bulging blood vessels. My husband will get this when it is very hot, but mine is frequently since the dysautonomia.

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angelloz, thanks! I actually thought it should be normal to a certain extent for every (healthy) person. (btw, thanks for the magic trick - I will try it out as soon as possible and tell my friends I only have the ability to do this magic since I have POTS - which is not even a lie! ;-))

Again thanks everybody for their responses! I wish us all ongoing progress with loosing the pronounced colour changes in our limbs!!

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