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How Do You Deal With This Predicament?

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So I've been able to adjust my dialy life so that I can try and work around my POTS as best I can; changing diet, salt loading, getting groceries on a different day I have to do laudry/ take out trash and this has helped me not overdue it, but I keep running into the predicament of what if you have to attend something like a wedding, brunch, birthday, or holiday celebration that takes place at a new location you've never been to where you don't know if it will require you to walk further than you can or push you too much physically? I don't like that I dread news of "hey were going to go to this play for easter etc." and being worried about okay how spread out is this place, how much walking will I have to do, how I can I work around my disability in a new situation or place?

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Hi statesof,

First, my friends that invite me places know I have limitations, I might only stay an hour of a 3 hour bday party. They understand that I can't do the whole party.

Second, I have a handicap placard for my car. I even took it with me to FL when I visited my dad so we could park close enough for me not to spend all my energy walking back and forth to the car.

Third, I bit the bullet in the airports and when we visited Universal Theme Park and used a wheelchair assist at the airport and rented an electric scooter for the day at Universal. We also went to a wildlife rehab sanctuary where I used a wheelchair. I am so glad I used the wheelchairs. I never would have made through these situations without it and it gave me my freedom back to be able to do these things I wanted to do. I also know some members have said they have purchased rolators that look similar to walkers but have a built in seat so they can sit whenever they need to.

And, finally, I throw caution to the wind....if there is something I want to do, I try it. If I have to cut it short, oh well, I tried. I just refuse to be afraid of living because of POTS.


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I understand your concern. A lot of it has been trial by error for me, and probably for many here. I have to plan ahead and bring food and water, and plan to buy some inside a venue if needed, if I can even eat it. I have to do a lot of research and in advance planning. It's a formula of how much heat, walking and standing I will have to endure that will determine if I will go to a particular event or outing.

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i have learned the hard way not to push myself ..i use to do it to keep up with everyone else so i wouldnt hold them back..but i have learned when my body tells me enough is enough listen..sit take a brake let the others go on..use a wheelchair or electric chair if needed..i just broke down and bought one..i have 19 grankids and would love to go to the zoo and other places with them but always declined because i knew i could not do it..events also make me nervous i never go by myself and i always go with someone who knows my limitations so they can help me if i get in a pickle..i always carry a G2 gatorade with me i never leave home without one..i have declined events and outings with my grandkids due to knowing i couldn't physically make it through it or knowing i would be sick for a week afterwards trying to get my body to recover...you have to do what is best for you and your health..best wishes :)

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