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Flu - Pots Relapse...?


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Ten days ago I had a flu (with some fever) for 4-5 days.

Since that time I feel that my ongoing recovery of my POTS hadn't just stopped but actually as if I got a kind of relapse that set me back about 2-3 months in my recovery process. I am really quite angry atm, to be honest...

Has anyone experienced something similar...?

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Oh yes!! Just had this happen myself. Was feeling like I had made some progress and was managing symptoms, then.... My grandchildren visited and brought along the flu. I actually had two illnesses back to back and then a 4 day migraine. Now I am having appetite problems, energy issues, breathing, weak jelly legs...sigh. I feel like my body just can't handle much or I head backwards. I am trying to figure out how to recover. So far just not happening. I hope you start going forward again quickly! I will let you know if I figure out anything that helps the process.

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I usually experience a setback after getting sick. Assuming you've been lying down more than usual and not exercizing, it may have temporarily worsened orthostatic intolerance. But don't worry, you should be able to get it back. Have you tried resuming your normal activities? Have you checked with your dr to make sure you're still not sick with something?

Best of luck.

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angelloz and Claired, thank you so much for your replies!!

Now I am somehow calmed that "nothing special" happened to me and that I will finally get over it (hopefully) quite soon.

In fact I tried not lying down more than usual and also exercising as if nothing was wrong - maybe that was my biggest (most stupid) mistake... Even a person, who is generally healthy should get down their level activity when having the flu. At least my GP told me so, and I knew of course he was right.

I was just too afraid of lying down too much, not exercising - so I pushed thru and probably made everything worse. Stupid me.

However, thank you both for the reassurance!!

Best wishes!!

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Definitely have had the same reaction. My POTS neuro says this is very common and he strongly encourages me to stay away from anyone who is ill. Much easier said than done. :unsure:

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