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Mcad...what Is It?


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Me again, I hear a lot on mast cell activation

Can someone explain the symptoms? And how do u treat it? Ive googled it but I this something dysautonomia sufferers get?

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There seems to be a subgroup of dysautonomia patients who have MCAD along with POTS. They frequently also seem to have connective tissue disorders, like EDS. Traditionally it's been thought that Hyper-POTS patients were the ones to have MCAD along with POTS. I have "neuropathic" POTS but seem to have a hyper-POTS component that includes MCAD symptoms as well.

Here's a link to a paper by Dr. Afrin who has seen a fair number of POTS patients on here.


Mast cell symptoms can include GI symptoms, hives, rashes, breathing issues, etc. It really is multi-systemic.

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Thanks chaos, will have a look over that.

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Here is a one paragraph summary of mcas from the US National Institutes of Health.

Just a brief background since I don't think either of our links explain this, mast cells are cells that are part of the immune system. They have a significant role in allergic and inflammatory reactions. These cells contain histamine and several other pro-inflammatory chemicals. When they are "stimulated", mast cells have what's called a degranulation (they burst) which releases these chemicals into your body. For people with mcas, these degranulation are stimulated by inappropriate things such as going from the cold air outside into a heated house, or someone's perfume, or something you eat. There are tons of other things that can cause it for mcas sufferers. It can cause anything from facial flushing or hives to full blown anaphylaxis to fainting.

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If you think you may have it, you can go to a doctor check your tryptase levels checked which is just a blood test. However, a real indication would be tryptase during a reaction. I went to a hematologist to get it checked out. There are also some other tests they can do. If you have had gi biopsies, like during an endoscopy, they can stain them to check for mast cell infiltration.

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