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Nmda Nr2B Receptor Connection To Allodynia


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If you are suffering from a daily persistant headache with allodynia, then this research may help you get some further testing. My son was checked for the NR1 receptor and it was negative. At the time he was tested, I did not have this information. Our doctor is going to go back and check for the NR2 subunit. The last time my son saw the doctor, he thought other antibodies were involved in his condition. I am beginning to wonder if we are dealing with some type of Encephalities because some forms have a relasping pattern. The reason why I say relasping is because Tyler had a 3 month period that he had no headache/scalp pain and was able to stand and walk for 3 months before he had the flu that took him down in January 2013. Encephalites can relaspe after the flu. NMDA Encephalities is one of those relasping types. So all of the information that is being given in the post is being past on to our doctor. Some of you know my son's story but I will recap just a little for the new ones on the forum.

The illness that we think that caused Tyler's POTS was walking pneumonia (12/2010). Two months later the titer for Mycoplasma Pneumonia was found out of range. NMDA Receptor Encephlites has been known to start after this type of infection. Tyler had a severe headache and the scalp allodynia all started about the same time. NMDA Encephalities is also known as a form of Autoimmune Encephalities. Here is an article that explains the different forms and a treatment plan.


The antibodies for Strep Encephalities have also been found in my son's blood work. The antibodies found in strep can cause heart problems. Currently my son is being treated with Plasma Exchange. However, this may not be enough for him to make a full recovery at this time. Due to heart and blood pressure issues, our doctor is sticking with the plasma exhange treatment plan. Other suppressing medications can make these issues worse.

Tyler has also been checked for glutamate levels. He has high levels. He was checked 7 months after he came down with the pneumonia. I was digging back through some old testing and realized it was the same lab that did his second testing back in January 2014. His glutamate levels were high. He has been checked for celiac antibodies and his testing is negative. I have discovered that NMDA regulates glutamate levels and depending on what it decides to bind with will determine the type of pain theat occurs. Tyler has never been diagnosised with CRPS but mets the criteria. NMDA receptors are involved with this. Here is the research:


Tyler was checked for the NR 1 back in November and he was negative. However, the NR 2 subunits bind with glutamate and can cause the allodynia. Here is the research:


Our doctor started Tyler on Namenda back in November 2014. His headache pain was at a level 8. However I was not sure how much it was helping. This last week his headache has dropped down to the pain level of 61/2 out of 10. So the Namenda may be affecting his headache pain levels. Tyler is also taking 800 mg of Magnesium with a foot soak before bed and 2400mg of NAC. Magnesium and NAC also help regulate NMDA receptors. Our pharmacy called yesterday evening to they were able to get a months supply of the 7 mg er tablets of Namenda. Tyler will be taking this 3 times a day. I am hoping the Namenda will take care of Tyler's pain issues. Tyler's POTS has been caused autoimmune antibodies. The research has just barely stayed ahead of us. Hope everyone is having a good day and maybe this information will help someone else.

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Have you tried ALA (if he has CBS mutation, work on that first and get his methylation pathways working. It is a sulfa supplement. I had to work on that for a few years and recently started taking it with no problems.) with that and also ginger and turmeric? Also B12 is usually used before the methyl folate. Too low levels of that can cause neuropathy and other mental type issues.

Tramadol regulates all the neurotransmitters and works on opiate receptors too. Helps balance out glutamate. Helps with pain. Best med for my POTS. Along with Bentyl -a muscle relaxer. Did you get him eval for EDS?

You don't indicate in your sig line if he is taking Zantac (I take 1/2 pill). If not, you are not covering all the histamine receptors. You have an H1 with Zyrtec and H3 with Singular. But no H2. I was told it is necessary because there could be a conversion into one that isn't being suppressed. I felt GastroCrom was a lifesaver for me. I was on it for about 2 years for my MCAS and Kounis Syndrome. Recently came off and so far so good. Diet change and addressing immune system with diet and supplements has changed my life.

Look into D2 also. I've said for years now - I think there is a dopamine and glutamate problem. Look back on some of the old threads.


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Hi Issie,

Glad to hear you are doing better. I have tried Zantac with my son but it makes his vocal tics much worse. The tramadol aslo makes his vocal tics worse. I thought I read somewhere that tramadol effects dopamine levels. I have to be careful when adding supplements or medication.

When my son had the Cunningham Panel test in Novemer 2013, it revealed he had high dopamine, CamKinese and GM1 ganglioside. There is a connection between dopamine and glutamate. High CamKinese causes major problems. Testing has also revealed high glutamate levels. My son's POTS condition has an autoimmune connection.

My son takes 3000 of MethyB12 and he has done the 23 and Me testing. This testing was very helpful. I keep researching and our cardiologist keeps looking at the article and consulting with other doctors. PEX seems to be the safest way to treat right now but we may have to suppress more if we cannot get some more of his other symptoms to stop. Our cardiologist does not want to make anything worse so it's going to be a long road to healing.

Diet is very important and I am glad those changes helped you. I have also made changes with diet. No foods out of the box or frozen food section. No products with MSG. Fresh fruits and vegetables. My son tried a gluten and dairy free diet for 6 weeks but he nor I could see or feel any major improvements. However, I still monitor his diet closely. Our doctor thinks his glutamate levels are being affected by the CamKinese and NMDA receptors. My son has also been checked for the gluten antibodies test and it was negative too.

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Yes, that's what I suspect with some -high dopamine and glutamate. Of course, it's just a feeling I have with no concrete testing to confirm. Would be interesting to see how many that is a problem with. Be careful with anything with aspartame in it, it will up glutamate even more and could cause a flare with MCAS and POTS symptoms. (Chewing gum, just about all have it in there.)

What about Pepcid instead of Zantac?

Too bad the Tramadol didn't work.

It may take longer to notice sensitivities to gluten and dairy. That's not really even long enough for the cravings and withdrawals from it to end. We crave what we usually are sensitive to. Many won't test positive for a true allergy, but could be sensitive.

Glad he is on B12. Have you addressed his other mutations. Usually other things are needed too and a certain order has to be followed for treatment or you can make yourself sicker. Go LOW and SLOW. More is not better when tweaking this.

Hoping for the best for him. Yes, I'm very glad that I'm so much better. I do believe with my whole being this is autoimmune for a good majority of us with inflammation running a close second. Of course the genetic flaws make us more susceptible.


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