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Hello, Is This Pots?


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Hi there,

my name is Andrea i'm 37 years old and i'm from germany in Berlin. Please forgive me, but my english is'nt so good, but i hope you understand what i mean.

From february to august i made chemotherapy for breast cancer.

Since July I have problems with strange symptoms. I had a to fast pulse when I'm upright or going around (till 140 bpm), brainfog, nausea and Circulatory disorders in my arms and hands and in my legs and feet and many more...

Just when I'm upright, my feet and my hands going blue and red and cold like ice, then there going weak and i cant feel them right. This makes me verry angry. Also I have pain in my neck and when i'm speaking i'm going dizzy and the pain in my neck get's more till my head. I'm so tired all the time, and its going more, when i do normal things like speaking, cooking, eating, clean our apartment...

As i was in the hospital last time, the doctors mean's maybe i have an autonomic neuropathy because the chemotherapy? He thinks it's pots.

But since the last Days, i dont now if this is the right diagnosis, because my pulse is'nt so fast. When i laying down its 60 bpm and upright its just 85-100 bpm. Its normal i think.

But I'm so angry wihtout a diagnosis and the symptoms i have.

Can you help me?!

Hopefully waits for your answers.

with heartly regards


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Guten Tag Andrea. I have no answers but I wanted to welcome to the forum. Looking through old threads may help you and I'm sure there are others that will give you some ideas. I'm so sorry you have had to take chemotherapy and are now experiencing dysautonomia symptoms. Liz

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Hi Andrea, welcome to the forum! Don't worry, you're English is well enough to participate! Ýour standing heartrate increasing with (more than) 30 beats per minute may indicate this could be POTS. If you have autonomic neuropathy (like your doctor mentioned) this may be causing it. You'd best try and see a doctor to work with, I have found two on our Physicians list, though I dont think you are close. You may want to ask your doctor to contact one of them and try to work from there. Im pretty sure there are more docs in Gernany who treat POTS that we aren't aware of. Here is a link to the ones I found you:


We're kind of neighbors, geographically spoken, I'm in The Netherlands.

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Dear Corina,

many thanks for your answer.

But I still think, pots is not the right diagnosis, because i can take a hot shower and it feel good to me, I feel better with warm water on my body and feel bad when its cold, because the cold trigger the circulatory disorders in my feet and my arms... and this makes me go dizzy.

Actually my heartrate is just 76 bpm upright...

It can be dysautonomia, but i dont think its Pots...maybe an autoimmune disease?

Sorry, i'm so angry.


greatings to netherland!!! :-)

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Hi Andrea,

Welcome to the forum. Chemotherapy can cause autonomic neuropathy which in turn can cause POTS or other forms of dysautonomia that have similar symptoms to what you describe. POTS patients do not necessarily have an extreme increase in heart rate every time they are upright. For example, I have some days that my heart rate never has a severe increase but the very next day I may have tachycardia all day even just sitting up. Sometimes I'm fine in the morning but then all of a sudden I will start having problems in the afternoon. I isn't always consistent. You may also want to speak to a doctor (usually a rheumatologist) about Raynaud's Syndrome as your hands turn blue from cold. I hope you get some answers soon.

Best regards,


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Hi Katie,

many thanks for your answer!!! :-)

My hands and feet dont turn blue from cold, but just when i'm upright.

At this time i'm in a clinic of neurology. In the tests the neurologist have seen, that i have an polyneuropathie on my legs on both sides. I had no reflections.

At morning they start some searches what the reason is for my symptoms.

My heartrate is the third day normal and the dizzy is much more better than the last times. I think the reason is an drink of vitamins and "omega 3-pills". I took them for a week and its going better, maybe its helping me. I hope so!!!

But i still feel sick and tired and i have nausea every time and these circulatory disorders on my arms and legs...

I hope everything will be fine.

I wish you all the best!!!

Kind regards,


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Don't worry Andrea, it can be quite difficult to communicate in what is not your first language. I'm sure we can overcome any problems re that! Like Katie mentioned I thought that your dysautonomia could be caused by the neuropathy. It must be quite hard on you to have so many heath problems

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You are doing well with English. I know some German but I would have a hard time telling you my health issues in Deutsch. I agree with Katie that you could certainly have dysautonomia and I pray that you can find a Dr. that knows about dysautonomia and how to treat it. Liz

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Hi girls,

you're so nice to me, thanks.

This morning i had a heartrate by 130bpm, just when I'm upright. So it is still like the other days before. Maybe it is going slower in the afternoon. Often i had at the morning a faster heartbeat than in the evening.

Today i spend some blood for tests. I hope they can find something to help me and that its going better.

It can be POTS, but I'm so anxious it is still cancer or something that kills me... :'-(

I give you a hug.

with warm regards


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Hi at all!

I'm back here... I'm so sorry for my many questions! Do not be angry with me. :-(

I have a few more strange symptoms. I would like to know, if you have them too?

When i walk, i have a feeling like as if i have a belt around my chest and both arms go weak. When i speak i have the same feeling... at next i feel dizzy.

I'm going crazy...

with warm regards,


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