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I have noticed that my symptoms have morphed a bit over the last 4 years. Recently when I am not feeling well it seems to affect my emotions and how I interact with people more than before (very easy overstimulated/irritable, quick to anger, etc). I have also had these times when I will be interacting with someone and a normal reaction would be to be a little annoyed or slightly angry but I get a huge surge or adrenaline and feel RAGE! I have to leave the room and I have so much adrenaline that I feel like I am going to explode…and sometimes my body just starts crying (it's weird because the crying feels so physical…like a symptom or something). This is really frustrating me and making me feel not like myself. Wondering if anyone else has any similar experiences?

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You are not alone. One of the first posts I ever made back in 2011 was about this exact topic. I'll see if I can find the thread later. As my symptoms have improved to some extent, so have these strong emotional reactions. I will say that since I now have a limited amount of energy to spend I've decided try not to spend it in this way. That has taken a lot of meditation practice to get my body to respond since it seems more of a visceral than emotional reaction. Of course, the rest of the world perceives it as emotional which then ends up being inflammatory to both parties.

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I definately can relate to this, different days for whatever reason seem to cause different levels of anxiety/ depression for me, as well as the severe irritability. The irritability can definately be bad for me if I do something that I know is going to throw me back in bed for a few days, or some days its as if from the moment I wake up every little thing seems to bother me too much. I try to just recognize it as a physical symptom (since I'm typically a very liad back person), and just try and give myself that needed space until it passes, but certain occasions it can be very difficult especially like you siad with those episodes of irritability where you feel like you can explode, I hate that feeling.

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I have noticed that my symptoms have morphed a bit over the last 4 years. Recently when I am not feeling well it seems to affect my emotions and how I interact with people more than before (very easy overstimulated/irritable, quick to anger, etc). I have also had these times when I will be interacting with someone and a normal reaction would be to be a little annoyed or slightly angry but I get a huge surge or adrenaline and feel RAGE! I have to leave the room and I have so much adrenaline that I feel like I am going to explode…and sometimes my body just starts crying (it's weird because the crying feels so physical…like a symptom or something). This is really frustrating me and making me feel not like myself. Wondering if anyone else has any similar experiences?

Literally sounds as if I'm talking hah! I relate to everything you've said. I think feeling bad makes me anxious and angry at the state I'm in and my anxiousness makes me have trouble concentrating or wanting to focus on things/ talking to people so I just tend to get annoyed and like you said Italy it out in other people. Then I get annoyed at myself for feeling that way so I get angry at myself and then have a good old cry! Don't think your alone infact reading your post actually has given me a little hope that I'm not the only one and you shouldn't feel that way too :)

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