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Hospital Visit?

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Hi all! I'm new here! I'm Meg!

Anyway, let me get started with my question, I was diagnosed with Pots 2 years ago, but due to a terrible doctor, I was never told the diagnosis. Every time I went, they just told me a heart condition. I should have been more diligent but young and foggy! I started going to a new doctor and she explained everything to me, and I've been doing research myself.

My question is, how do you know when your severely dehydrated? I've been having some less than stellar days, very nauseous, severe migraines, dizziness, sleeplessness, extreme fatigue, brain fog. Etc.. I think that I might need I.v. fluids, water isn't helping at this point. But I feel silly going just for feeling bad.

Even though I've had it for a while, it's very new. I always thought I was severely depressed and had an issue standing. When my new doctor explained everything, I sighed with relief, I'm not crazy, nor lazy!

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Dehydration can be sometimes present on a blood test as elevated hemoglobin. Your doctor can order a CBC to check this. Keep in mind that hypovolemia is not the same as dehydration and often does not show up on a blood test, although dehydration can cause hypovolemia.

If you go to the ER and say that you think you are dehydrated, I doubt that you will be refused IV saline. Sometimes doctors worry that in older patients IV saline will cause fluid overload and edema, but if your kidneys are healthy you should be able to handle a 1 - 2 L bolus easily (although you will pee a lot). You will know very quickly at that point if dehydration and/or hypovolemia are the cause of your symptoms.

If you don't want to go see a doctor, electrolyte packets that you dissolve in water or Pedialyte are often more effective for rehydration than just water. Glucose and sodium are needed for water to be absorbed in your gut.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Sorry you are not feeling very well. With this condition, you must keep yourself hydrated. Did your doctor tell you how much you should be drinking? My son tries to drink 64 ounces of water a day. This is about 2 liters. He does drink other fluids at meal times but water helps with blood volume and helps keep his blood pressures up. If he is very dehydrated, I alternate water and G2 (gatorade) throughout the day.

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Thank you guys for all of the information. I ended up getting sicker, fainting twice and ended up in the emergency room. I was incredibly dehydrated. I drink 2 liters of water a day, as well as Gatorade with meals. After this incident, my doctor has put me on I.v. therapy which starts next week, I'm hoping it works out.

Again, thank you.

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Are you getting enough salt, and do you take any meds that cause you to retain salt and fluid? (Florinef is an example.) If you're not doing both of those, it's possible that all of the fluids you are taking in your body is simply dumping out again. I take salt tablets in the form of Thermo Tabs every day to boost the amount of salt intake, and I take Florinef to retain the salt and fluids better. Just a few thoughts.

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