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Sudden Unexplained Fatigue?

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Hey, everyone! All day I've been experiencing pretty much unexplained fatigue. In spite of getting a surprisingly good night's sleep last night, doing nothing out of the ordinary yesterday, I am just feeling so incredibly drained of energy. Every time I get up, I get pre-syncope, despite being on Florinef and having been doing fairly well for a while. I've gotten to the point where I get up and I just fall over. (Onto an already hurt knee, sadly.) My vision goes completely black, and I lose control of everything, but I can still hear and feel, and I know where I am. I get out of breath with even the slightest bit of exertion... Just walking to get something to eat was way more than my body thought it could handle.

I'm really not sure what's up, and it's a little scary. Usually, when I get this way, I can point to the causative factor. And abnormally active day, missing my meds, stress... But there seems to be no reason for this. And I guess that's why I'm a little upset about it- because it's different. SO much has changed over the last year regarding my health, but I've kind of worked out what my new normal feels like. SO it's slightly disturbing when something doesn't fit.

Does anyone else have idea that I haven't listed of why this might be happening? My next appointment isn't until mid-May, so going to the doctor is out of the question. But I'm always open for suggestions on what I should discuss with him when we meet up. Tips, personal stories... anything is much appreciated. I know you can't give technical medical advice, I'm just wondering who else has experienced this, and what (if anything) helped you out. And, as always, ideas of anything else I should bring up with my doctor in May. Thanks so much, loves.

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Hi Ana,

I don't know where you live, but could it be the weather? I was great yesterday, but today, I woke up and knew things were eventually going to go badly. ...I just felt unwell. I got a couple thi gs done but by 2 pm was flat on my back with a severe migraine. It's because a storm system is moving I to my area and while the barometric pressure is changing, my POTS and migraine symptoms go haywire. It's unfortunate because it's not something I can control so I just have to roll with it.

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I've been having similar experiences the past few days and today was especially bad. Monday I was out all day running errands and felt great. Today I couldn't even get out of bed without losing my balance and falling over and having tachycardia etc etc etc.

The weather (my usual scapegoat) has been pretty good here but when I looked at the pollen counts yesterday and today they were thru the roof for a couple of my worst ones. My POTS doc seemed to think it was legitimate that allergies could make POTS symptoms worse since they aggravate the immune system and it's probably already involved in POTS if it's autoimmune. So that's what I'm blaming it on this time. :)

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Katybug, no idea why, but it didn't occur to me to consider the weather. That's likely what it is, though! There's possible chance of severe weather on Sunday, so that's a definite possibility. I guess the reason that didn't immediately come to mind was because usually I have migraines anytime the weather changes. But, I bet that's what was up.

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