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Misc. Numbnes, Tingling


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What medications are you on? A number of POTS meds (betablockers, midodrine, clonidine etc) can all cause peripheral numbness. I was on clonidine and/or propranolol for a long time, and assumed it was due to the drugs, but it finally turns out its due to small fibre neuropathy, which appears to have now become very aggressive. Tingling or electric shock sensations (dysaesthesias) are characteristic of small fibre neuropathy, which can affect both sensory and autonomic nerves.

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Hi gjensen - I get numbness and tingling quite frequently, in my hands and feet mostly. I've never had a good answer as to why - I had nerve testing and that was generally ok. I find it is worse when I have overdone things physically and it can be a warning sign I need to have a rest.

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I am reasonable certain that I have no deficiencies. Have not up to this point anyways.

I have it today again. Left thumb is sticking with me. Now includes the right cheek, and right leg. it is not the most concerning of my symptoms, but interesting because it is new. Not like this anyways.

Hope all is well with you Rosey.

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I had gotten to the point where I was having these paresthesias in most of my body about 95% of the time. I think this is where the antivirals made the most significant and long-lasting improvements as they have gone completely for the most part since I've been on them.

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Chaos, that is interesting.

I had it, mostly, earlier today. Now it is just my thumb, LOL. But it is actually numb. I have lost most of my feeling in it. I dropped something a couple times today from that hand. Thumbs are pretty important. This can have my pinky, LOL. Just leave my thumb alone.

Everything else is coming and going.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get extreme tingling (and sometimes even shaking) in my feet (mostly soles) and lower legs always right after I was upright only for a short time. Sometimes 5 minutes on my feet can result in 2 hours of extreme tingling. I have a very mild small fiber neuropathy in my lower legs. However, I can't imagine this to cause such an intense and longlasting tingling after a couple of minutes on my feet.

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I do not know what that is Goschi. I do get it to. Mine has become more of a burning sensation that is affecting all of both legs. More intense in the lower legs.

How long ago was you tested for neuropathy, and how were you tested. Mine showed on a Qsart test and skin biopsy. They would probably would have been considered on the mild side.

I had the Qsart test done at one place and the doctor seamed eager to dismiss the results. I had a reduced (abnormal) response in one location and no response in another. The rest were normal, and he still dismissed the results, which made me wonder why he did the test at all. The skin biopsy with another doctor was positive. It could be said that it was on the mild side. The samples are so small that I have a hard time believing that they can be considered indicative of the whole.

I have only recently noticed the sensation associated with being upright. I noticed this yesterday and the day before. What I noticed was that it was worse after being upright.

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I had a skin biopsy both for sensory and sudomotoric nerves, no Qsart. The biopsy came back negative for the thighs and very mildly pathological for the lower legs. It was done 5 weeks ago. My symptoms with severe and longlasting tingling after being upright were present already before and didn't change since then.

My Pots neuro doc is convinced that the small fiber neuropathy and the Pots are connected (ok, what else?) but that the tingling is actually not from the SFN but rather from blood pooling.

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I did wonder if your tingling was from the blood pooling. I hesitated to say so, because yesterday being upright and moving around seamed to aggravate the burning sensation that I am saying is from the neuropathy. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

I do not know that the shaking you described would be from blood pooling.

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