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Cured!!....(For 3 Days??)

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Hey Everyone,

So i know with dysautonomia we have 'bad days' and 'not-so-bad days', rarely if ever do we have normal/great days. So i'm writing to get some ideas on what i've recently experienced.

We had a large conference going on a couple of weeks ago and it was really busy. I was driving around everywhere, not eating consistently at all, up late and up early, speaking multiple times, etc... In the midst of it all i was like "man, i feel really good". I'm looking back on those 3-4 days and am almost positive i was symptom free. I mean i was tired at points, but it was like a 'normal' tired you'd get from not always getting enough rest.

So, was it just sheer adrenaline for those 3-4 days? Needless to say.....i'm back to being symptomatic again. Muscle weakness, lightheadedness, low blood pressure, and such.

Was the magic for three days straight?

I felt so........great!

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I've had some of those same episodes myself and wondered the same thing. Contributes to the "is it REALLY all in my head, afterall?" thinking that goes on at times. And yes, it IS wonderful to feel almost normal again and realize that yes, there is a HUGE difference between what has become the new norm and what used to be normal.

Personally, I think that adrenaline does play a big role in those situations because for me anyway, when I've had those episodes, I can only go so long before it's inevitably followed by a massive crash. And, even though I feel pretty good and mostly assymptomatic, I've found if I'm really honest with myself, I'm also really keyed up, pretty hyper, more irritable and edgy and it's not a "normal" feeling good/balanced energy that I have. It's more of a "driven"-"have to get it done"- "critically important to survive" kind of energy. In other words, it's not like I can just be up and doing some things, feeling good and then sit and relax and enjoy myself. I find I have to keep moving and pacing, can't sit and can't sleep during those periods as well. That's why I think something shifts in the neurochemistry that allows me to function at a much higher level but also why it's not in a normal, balanced, well regulated, healthy manner.

And then, I crash and can't move at all for days or weeks. During which time I wonder if I just dreamed that I was able to accomplish everything that I just did. And figure that everyone REALLY thinks I'm a flake now after seeing me up flying around for the past week or so. Ugh!

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Personally, I think that adrenaline does play a big role in those situations because for me anyway, when I've had those episodes, I can only go so long before it's inevitably followed by a massive crash. And, even though I feel pretty good and mostly assymptomatic, I've found if I'm really honest with myself, I'm also really keyed up, pretty hyper, more irritable and edgy and it's not a "normal" feeling good/balanced energy that I have. It's more of a "driven"-"have to get it done"- "critically important to survive" kind of energy. In other words, it's not like I can just be up and doing some things, feeling good and then sit and relax and enjoy myself. I find I have to keep moving and pacing, can't sit and can't sleep during those periods as well. That's why I think something shifts in the neurochemistry that allows me to function at a much higher level but also why it's not in a normal, balanced, well regulated, healthy manner.

And then, I crash and can't move at all for days or weeks.

This has been my experience at times too. Usually I can get through some sort of family crisis, some crises of some kind, and then I crash. I think it's adrenalin keeping me up and functioning. I can feel this undercurrent of 'energy' that doesn't feel the like normal, relaxed kind of energy that I remember. That this can happen has served me well at times to get through some demanding situations but eventually, within days, I crash and usually the crash means a monster migraine. Sometimes, however, nothing is going to help me rise up and meet the challenge of helping someone in a crisis. At those times, the best I can offer them is listening -- on the phone, if they can't get to me.


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