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Asthma, Anyone?

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Hey, peeps! So, I'm just going to come out and say it. I think I've probably developed asthma. I've kinda felt it coming for some time now, so it's no surprise. I haven't had any tests done as of now (yet another thing to add for the list of stuff to bring up with the doctor in May... I'll have to bring a notebook!), but I'm fairly certain all the same. I've been really prone to developing bronchitis after a cold or upper-respiratory infection, and have had it at least once a year for the past several years. Recently, I developed a cold. Of course, I had the typical cough along with that (as well as a slew of POTS symptoms), but it just never seemed to go away... I've been coughing now for over 8 weeks. For the first several weeks, it was semi-productive. But it's not anymore (or, at least, I don't think it is, although I have a hard time telling, sometimes), which leads me to think it's not something like pneumonia. It's also much worse in the evening, regardless of whether or not I'm lying down...

So, I guess what I'm wondering is if anyone else on here has asthma, if there is any difference in treatment for you, if this is possibly because of the POTS or simply one of those "things."

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I had an asthma attack when I was like 5, never after that and not really any symptoms. So I think mine was due to EDS some how!

Recently though, I get these episodes where I feel short of breath and cant get that deep breath to satisfy me, its not in my head either it just comes on. Its one of my worst symptoms!!!

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I have asthma as well. I was diagnosed long before I developed the POTS symptoms, but it has gotten worse since I developed the POTS. We have been significantly more hesitant of what medications (especially beta blockers) that we can use with the asthma. Additionally, some of the medications that are typically used to treat asthma exacerbation (e.g., prednisone) actually trigger my POTS and can make it worse. If you think that you might have asthma it might not hurt to see your primary doctor, or even an allergist or pulmonologist. My allergist and PCP communicate over the treatment of my POTS. I also can't have the normal tests anymore to track my asthma (e.g., spirometry) because it makes my heart freak out and causes syncope/pre-syncope. Because of this my doctors work with me with other tests to try to keep track of my asthma. If you do see a doctor because you think that you might have asthma make sure they know about your POTS, and that some of the normal testing might make it worse. Hope this helps!

Fainting Goat

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I have asthma too, but was diagnosed long before POTS. I don't know if there's a connection...maybe a bit of an immune dysfunction/autoimmune connection if anything. Mine isn't very bad so I don't use preventative drugs, just a rescue inhaler. I think lot of the asthma drugs can be problematic for POTS - I know albuterol can cause tachycardia. But it's not too much of a bother for me. If you want to limit medication use, focus on your breathing when you're having an attack. There's kind of a circular connection between hyperventilation and asthma. Not being able to catch your breath is scary, so people hyperventilate...but hyperventilation exacerbates asthma. Good luck!

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It actually could be lingering bronchitis. Are you wheezing? That usually indicates asthma. I also have it, but it was so bad in the 80's that I had to be put on desensitization for allergies; now after allergy treatment, I'm a lot better. If I have a bad virus, I will have to use a rescue inhaler, but I used to be on 5 medications for it, so I used to have it really badly.

Air hunger or dyspnea is considered part of dysautonomia. There is no wheezing involved in this. It can be very scary, especially at night. I, too, have this problem. It is my worst symptom of POTS right know. I would rather have dizziness/vertigo than this, which is what used to be my major symptom.

If you are on a beta blocker, make sure it is cardioselective, if you do have asthma, because it can make your symptoms worse. It sounds like you need a doctor's appointment.

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I really feel like it's probably not just lingering bronchitis. It's hard to explain clearly, but it feels different. I know how my body feels, and this doesn't feel like what my bronchitis usually feels like. For instance, I usually cough all day with bronchitis, and it's worse at night. Right now, I'm really only coughing at night. And I also noticed that I was coughing a lot right after I was excising...

But anyways... I'm definitely going to get this checked out, and investigate both bronchitis and cough-variant asthma, because I don't want to be coughing like this anymore. It's very disruptive to my sleep.

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It could be your gag reflex. Some of us also have trouble swallowing. It sounds like it could be your vasovagal response to prevent you from choking. They say it's a good idea to raise the head of your bed, or raise your head with pillows to sleep with dysautonomia, but I would be checked for sleep apnea, too, because about a third of us have this, as well. I definitely would check with your doctor.

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