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1St Allergic Reaction. Tachycardia

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Today I experienced my first allergic reaction. Not sure to what. DX with POTS last fall. Today itchy ears and throat, cough, chest and throat tightness,flushing that came outta nowhere... Then, took Zyrtec after urgent care doc advise and am feeling wiped out and tachycardic while laying down. Anyone else on Zyrtec? Does it cause tachycardia?

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Not all pots patients but it definitely can be an underlying cause. It is often found in people that have eds too, so it's also not uncommon to find pots, eds, and mcas together.

Have you tried just some good old fashioned benedryl? That's an easy otc treatment for mcas reactions and classic allergic reactions too.

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I had an episode of tachycardia after taking Zyrtec. I suspect MCAS, but haven't done testing. I experimented with Zyrtec and Zantac on a bad day, but it only made me feel worse, full blown episode with tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, large pupils and frequent urination. I had elevated heart rate for most of that day and a migraine at night. I have taken Zantac before, so it must have been Zyrtec. I hope the effects will wear off quickly for you.

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I find I get nasty headaches on allegra at the OTC dose. Personally claritin has worked best for me. But like everything else, it was trial and error to figure it out...and a lot of headaches and weight gain (on zyrtec and xyzal) while getting it sorted.

Hope you're feeling better today.

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