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If You Have Mcas, How Do Meds Help With Blood Pooling?

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Ok so I am pretty sure I have MCAS/POTS... but I can't wrap my head around how meds like the H1 and H2 antihistamines, if that's all one is taking, help with the blood pooling in the feet issue?

Do those help that, or do you need an actual mast cell stabilizer drug for that symptom?

Today at work my feet just felt so gosh-darned HEAVY. And my head so lightheaded, at one point it felt like I would faint, it felt like something was pressing down on me from above... and the dizziness. I had to force myself to move very slow for awhile (which doesn't go over too well working in a coffee shop but I can't help it! I was grateful one of my co-workers today is a nursing student, I thought if I faint she'd know how to help me!)

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As far as I know, mcas treatments don't particularly help blood pooling, at least I've never read anything saying that it does. My antihistamines certainly don't. Blood pooling tends to be caused by other issues like EDS causing flacid vascular tissue or neuropathy which basically prevents the nervous sytem from telling the vascular tissue to contract (vasoconstrict).

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Oh. That makes sense, I had a hard time trying to figure out how antihistamines would do that.

So when I see my doctor I should be asking him to test me for EDS or neuropathy? I've read up on EDS and I'm pretty sure I don't have it, I mean I can bend my fingers back a bit but I don't have the elbow bent back sign or the hyperextensible skin..

And when I get out of the shower my feet are like purplish-blue!

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I can't really say. You should certainly make them aware of the blood pooling. I actually suggest taking pics of your legs after you've been lying down for a while and then when you have blood pooling so they can see in case it's not happening when you're in the office. If you research EDS and neuropathy and feel like you have symptoms, it can't hurt to bring it up. Has anyone told you not to take hot showers? It causes vasodilation. I can't take them cool but I have to do just lukewarm or I come out a brilliant shade of magenta! Also, have you tried wearing compression stockings? They're a bit of a pain to get on and not a great fashion statement but they can help.

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No my showers are never hot either! Can't do cool either, especially when my hands are already cold half the time to begin with!

I've looked at my local pharmacy for compression stockings but they were out at the time I was there. I should phone tomorrow and ask if they're back in stock and how much they cost.

I do get the tingling in my feet once in a while, but compared to my other scary symptoms I wasn't too worried about it, I will be printing out a list of symptoms to bring to my doctor in a month and highlight all mine! (might need to stock up on pens LOL)

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I don't have anything to add about MCAS, because I don't have that diagnosis (at least, not that I know of). However, I do have a few things to add about compression stockings. I got mine on Amazon.com, and they were only about $20. They were delivered in about a week, and there were actually a few pairs that were really cute! If you find that they help you, you might consider investing in a more expensive pair from somewhere like RejuvaHealth or Juzo. I have heard really great things about these stockings. The stockings I have, though, are from Lace Poet and BriteLeafs, both thigh high. Your doctor may be willing to prescribe you the stockings, if you're having trouble getting your insurance to cover them.

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