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Pots And Pre-Diabetes And Other Borderline Blood Results

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Has anyone experienced some off hormone readings, e.g. Thyroid, diabetes, cholesterol, cortisol? I am several years diagnosed POTS, I am successful at managing through meds, salt, hydration, and strict diet and exercise. However, I am beginning stages of diabetes and I don't eat sugar. I have had immune issues with other areas of my health that I am convinced is related to my lack of blood flow. My body isn't moving the glucose out of my bloodstream into my muscles.

My endocrinologist is clueless, but did say the primary aspects of POTS can be a cause of spikes in blood glucose.

Any related info. is much appreciated.

THank you!

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Have you researched metabolic syndrome and also mitochondrial disease? I only know a little about each one but have started looking into both because my mom is having issues. She has hashimotos thyroiditis and has just been dx'ed as insulin resistant. I don't know enough to explain any of it but ssome of the things you list are involved.

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I am being seen by a physician who thinks this is all related. His research, along with a lot of other peoples', is focused on what he calls Neuro-Immune-Endocrine disorders. They see the three systems as being very closely intertwined and they also think the GI system is involved as well.

There is another website where you can get some more info called Pandora.org They are an indep. group that tracks research etc in this area of interest.

Personally I've had problems with reactive hypoglycemia (comes and goes) and have a Hashimoto's diagnosis, but my antibody levels aren't very high and have normal thyroid levels so not sure that's accurate.

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I also have a long history of hypoglycemia. If I eat something normally sugared(dessert, etc.), my body acts like it is insulin resistant. But I am not near being a diabetic, and never have after almost 25 years of this. It has been worse since POTS hit 8 years ago. I just don't eat sugary things except for a special occasion.

I think since developing POTS, I am of course having more adrenaline surges when my body is stressed from being upright. Adrenaline by itself will cause higher blood sugar, and with me putting out extra adrenaline due to standing up doing things, then glucose rises some. Later, without the adrenaline, things drop again. It is a constant roller coaster.

And if your cortisol is at all elevated, then that is also a reason for elevated glucose and insulin resistance.

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