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Additional Testing


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Just wondering if anyone has had any of the following testing done. Dr. Rao sent home some test kits to check for some other things. The first test has to be mailed to France to the Laboratoire Philippe Auguste. It is a urine test called Porphyrins and checks for environmental toxicity biological marker. This test is $120.00.

The next test is a Neurotransmitter test through Pharmasan Labs. This is also a urine test and the cost is $254.00.

The last test is done though Genova Diagnostics. It is a blood and urine test. This test includes a metabolic analysis, essential and metabolic fatty acids, and heavy metals. This test checks the amino acids pathways. This test cost $169.00. This test and the one above can both be filed on insurance. With this test, we are going to see if our family doctor will help us get the blood work done. Both test have to be done with fasting.

Just wanted to pass this information along and see if anyone had any testing done through these labs. Going to be calling labs to see when they are open for receiving samples. With the holidays falling in the middle of the week this may not be an easy task to accomplish before the new year starts.


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I didn't have the same test, but I did have testing done through Genova labs. It was testing to see if/how I was digesting my food, what good and bad gut flora I had, and if I had any gut parasites. I had a kit and had to collect stool samples for 5 days (clearly unpleasant but worth it.) The report they produced for that particular testing was very thorough and educational. I don't know that this helps you in any way except that it seemed like a reputable establishment.

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