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Pic From My Thermal Sweat Test, Cleveland Clinic


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PIC BELOW: (please advise on how to post image from desktop) Finally had my TST test at Cleveland Clinic today in Neurology in J Building. Dr. Shields is my Physician, autonomic neuropathy testing--- http://my.clevelandclinic.org/staff_directory/staff_display.aspx?DoctorID=505

117 degrees (highest temp) in the chamber shown in pic. Body temp went up to 102 (closely monitored). I lasted an hour, which shocked me. My sweat glands seems

to be functioning, but at barely a trickle. Was basically "damp" after an hour. Other tests show a lowered lactate (lactic acid), an elevated

CProtein inflammation, slightly lower c02,

Wonderful Doc, very thorough and caring. This was a follow up to a previous test that indicated limited sweating. I dont have POTS but I have every other symptom of DA. Should be interested to see the results, how i campare, and what they can do. I simply cannot cool off at anything above 75 degrees which makes normal life impossible.

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