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Florinef With Normal Bp


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I'm not sure about anyone else, but my doctor doesn't want to start me on Florinef because my BP is generally normalish 120/70 ish

I have the same issue. I had a hemodynamic tilt done, and they found that my blood and plasma volume decreases by half when I stand/ am having symptoms, but my blood pressure stays relatively normal. Florinef is great for increase fluid retention, however, it does have a habit of raising the blood pressure because of the sodium retention which isn't nec the best thing if you have normal BP. However, I think by most doctors standards you would be considered hypotensive when your diastolic is under 60 (even if your systolic is normal).

I can see why you think that you might have low blood volume. My specialist told me that downing the 500ml quickly would do that (e.g., stabilize heart rate, decrease symptoms) with my type of POTS (hypovolemic POTS) because it quickly restores blood volume. He told me that should be one of my first treatments when I am having a bad symptoms day.

Fainting Goat

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Yeah, thats why my doctor is a bit hesitant about it!

I dont get why we get these symptoms if blood pressure is normal from legs up to arms :( Maybe our BP is only that high / normal because or veins are constricting more than a normal person because of less blood? so maybe forinef would balance it out!

The salt doesnt directly raise BP, its because of the amount of fluid it retains, so maybe it would help us. Still surely we could try a small dose to see? Imagine it helped??

I plan on doing 6 months exercise 1 day 30-45mins cardio and the next using my resistance bands repeat for 6 months, and then try florinef.

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