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For me it depends on what triggers the flare and what kind of symptoms I'm having during the flare. My flares can last from a couple days to several months.

As far as what helps, I try to double check that I'm still keeping up fluids, salt, getting enough rest, etc. IV saline is helpful getting out of flares at times when my BP and HR are more unstable but not as helpful when fatigue and weakness are the primary symptoms that are bothersome. I try to balance resting with being up and moving gently- enough to avoid the dreaded deconditioning but not too much as excessive activity is one of my worst triggers for flaring my symptoms up.

Hope you get out this flare quickly.

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Try 2 advil and a good brand Probiotic together. It won't work miracles by any means but it may help a little. Sounds silly, but it actually helps me more than most of the junk I have tried and I have been trying meds, supplements, and treatments for this condition for many years. I believe my dysautonomia may be from an autoimmune that I got from a virus or infection. With that said, putting good bacteria may be crowding out the bad bacteria/viral antibodies which is slowing down the immune system and in turn is allowing the autonomic system to regulate itself better. In other words, the good bacteria is confusing the immune system back into thinking you don't have the virus/infection anymore. Good bacteria over populates the bad bacteria. Antibotics could do the same thing but more or less in reverse fashion . But probiotics are safer anyway. But this may only be helpful if you believe you have an autoimmune pathology causing your dsyauntonomia or you believe a virus or infection triggered it.

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I see an execercise physiologist who specialises in POTS. When I have a flare up he has recommended that I try and confirm the cause. If it's due to a virus (flu or cold for example) then I take easy until the virus passes and then start exercising again, but at a level a bit below my previous base. If the flare up is due to overdoing it, then I try hard to pace myself so that I keep exercising (& avoid deconditioning) while get enough rest through the day and then slowly but surely work my way back to my previous level of functioning. If I can't figure out the cause of the flare then I find a level of exercise I can achieve without making things worse and also balance rest. Ultimately what I find important is to pace yourself carefully everyday and gradually climb out of the flare with exercise and support from your medication (I use midodrine and mestinon) and I also use compression stockings as needed. It's not easy, the flare ups can knock you back mentally as well, but it's important to stay focused and positive that you will get through it.

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