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Decreased Standing Hr On Florinef But Feel Worse?


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I've been taking .1 mg of florinef a day for two weeks now, and (with fluid + salt loading) my standing heart rate has gone down a bit from 110-145 (usually about 125) to 95-130 or so (usually about 110), but in spite of that my orthostatic symptoms are worse. For example I was on my feet at the grocery store today for maybe 45 minutes, by the time I was at the checkout I just felt super lightheaded and awful, and I looked at my monitor and my heart rate was 95-100. Does anyone else have a similar expierience with florinef, and/or understand why this would be the case?

My joint/muscle pains are also definitely worse, but I think that's an expected side effect? Drop in potassium is related to that I assume (I'm not on a supplement), and I'm going to see about getting one and getting my electrolite levels checked (they were all normal before florinef), but I'm not sure if that would make the standing lighthededness worse.

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I cant see how Florinef would be the cause, if your HR is decreased its increased your blood pressure so light-headedness wouldn't occur. Possibly a flare up?

Whats your Blood pressure before Florinef and after, these can be good to see whats going on,

Also welcome to the forum!

Can you give us a brief of your condition, diagnosis, drugs etc just to figure out whats going on! :)


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