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Frustrated-- Anemia Or Just Pots Business As Usual?


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Feeling pretty frustrated right now because all the symptoms of anemia are also the exact stuff i experience with my POTS

  • Fatigue
  • Pale skin (not even pots-related either, i'm naturally very fair)
  • A fast or irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Cognitive problems
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Headache

(courtesy of mayoclinic.com)

I'm worried I am anemic as I was told based on a July blood test that i was "borderline anemic" even though i take 28 mg of Iron Glycinate every day. So that's borderline anemic WHILE taking iron supplements. I plan to call my PCP and look into this tomorrow and I'm surprised that the doc who told me i was borderline anemic didn't recommend that i increase my iron intake. I stopped getting my period altogether this summer and while my gynecologist's office says that's pretty typical in someone who's been on the pill for several years like me, I'm worried that it might also be my body going "No way Jose. You're hypovelimc from POTS, you're iron is low, you dehydrate easily, I'm not doing anything else to make you lose blood volume/fluids."

I get really frustrated when i see a symptom list like this, (and let's be serious, there are LOTS of things that have these symptoms) because I never know whether something else might be going wrong or if this is just more of the same from my POTS.


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Hi Pumpkin,

Have you tried eating some foods that are high in iron like, raisins, spinach, broccoli, and some nuts. Sometimes your body will absorb iron better through food supplements.


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when I was diagnosed with POTS almost 2 years ago I was also told I am anemic so my dr recommended 300 mg ferrous fumarate a day and I took it religiously for about year. At a repeat blood work my numbers were all good. Thinking I fixed the problem, I started taking only 28 mg iron glycinate (like you) a day for 10 days a month, but my latest blood work showed anemia again, so now I'm back to taking 300 mg iron fumarate a day every day and I'll see what my numbers look like in a couple of months.

Definitely talk to your dr and see what s/he recommends. It could be an overlap of symptoms, or perhaps you need to supplement your iron even more (be it by taking pills or by consuming foods that are rich in iron - Rachel made some good suggestions above, I'll add blackstrap molasses to her list).


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